Millsonka's activity

Questions Asked

Anyone interested in sharing the cost of lorry/move UK-Italy?

Thu, 03/17/2011 - 12:52

We would like to open a joint account in Italy, but don't know of any good, reliable banks.

Sat, 05/08/2010 - 08:40

Greetings everyone, My husband Andrew and I moved here last year in June and have been trying to settle down ever since. It's my husband's work/job that brought us here .

Tue, 04/13/2010 - 07:19

Comments posted

Answer to: Wind top ups
Mon, 05/24/2010 - 16:17

and have tried to do the same thing online before, but experienced a different problem, it wouldn't accept my pay-pal payment - you did the right thing to register and should be able to access your online account straight away...I have received my initial log on details via sms (as soon as I purchased the SIM card) and it works. What I find easier is to buy a Wind scratch the pin card in Coop shops, Tabacco places etc (you have a choice of €5, €10, €25 I think) and just call the Ricarica number and type in your unique code and you receive the money on straight away!!! Hope this helps :-)

Sun, 05/16/2010 - 14:07

I have a couple of those - someone sent them through to us, when they came free with The Guardian paper...aren't they fantastic!! I would certainly recommend them if you are looking to learn some Italian quickly, it's really easy to pick up. :-)

Answer to: Newcomer ;-)
Sat, 05/15/2010 - 11:20

That is absolutely amazing and the most helpful!! All is looked at, downloaded and in working process...I really appreciate the advice. Z:-)

Answer to: Bank Account
Sun, 05/09/2010 - 05:29

...thank you for your time, it has helped a lot, at least I know what direction to follow. Many thanks =D

Answer to: Newcomer ;-)
Sat, 05/08/2010 - 09:19

 for all your replies, I have only just discovered that I have any! I guess I need to check out my settings on notifications ;-) ...yeah the picture is from Florence, but we now live (moved house only on Tuesday) only 20 minutes north of Arezzo. Absolutely amazing countryside. Beautiful, if only it stopped raining now, so I can get out =D ...and thank you for your encouraging words on teaching, I am so excited about getting back into it, I shall be sending out my CV all around. Do you know whether they accept it in English or should I be looking into translating it into Italian? All the best, Millsonka