Pacentro08's activity

Questions Asked

I happened on this Facebook page which seems quite new and has tons of useful information if you're planning a visit to the Sulmona area of Abruzzo.

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 11:19

Hello everyoneJust in case any of you are in the UK at the moment and within striking distance of Edinburgh next week, I'm running two workshops there on Saturday 28 July.

Sat, 07/21/2012 - 20:52

I’ve just posted to my Facebook page some information about the RAI TV programmes for immigrants which cover language and ‘civilisation’ material, and I thought it might be of interest to people here.

Sat, 07/14/2012 - 08:19

I have friends whose apartment in Florence is available for rent. It's 2 bedrooms and about 95 square metres. It's not a holiday property, so they're looking for a longish let.

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 09:03

I just posted this on my local forum, but thought it might be useful to others here.Since the weather is dull, cold and wet, I thought I'd ruin the day completely by going to my comune to get some information about how much I will have to pay for

Mon, 04/16/2012 - 12:00

Hello everybodyAm hooked on the Montalbano episodes (series 1!) being reshown in the UK at the moment, which my students love too and come each week to class armed with expressions they've picked up from the latest episode. Thank you RAI.

Thu, 03/08/2012 - 08:48

Picking up on Don's query in the Learning Italian thread, a decent monolingual Italian dictionary, like Devoto & Oli, will give you a brief idea of etymology. I also have a now ancient copy of Giacomo Devoto's Avviamento alla etimologia italia

Sat, 04/24/2010 - 16:43

  I can't buy items online (flipchart/printer/monitor - so I need delivery) because I don't have a credit card issued in Italy. Faff! Anyone come across a way round this?

Wed, 03/17/2010 - 10:06

  Afternoon everyone I have a friend arriving at Ciampino airport who needs to get to Tiburtina coach station and doesn't want the faff of public transport when she has lots of luggage.   I seem to remember reading there was a set charge of 30 eur

Tue, 02/23/2010 - 12:20

  Hello everyone   I have two young students planning the big adventure to Italy later this month (!) and I'm sure there are lots of you out there who could offer advice (apart from wait until spring and get a newer vehicle, please!). I haven't dr

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 10:48

Comments posted

Sat, 08/25/2012 - 10:55

Not sure if they do them at the same time, but have a look at these people. They're very friendly and helpful and I'm going on one of their cooking holidays in Sicily in October. Can't wait! It might even be worth ringing them and asking if they would consider doing them together at some point. Lorne, the Director, is very approachable. I called in on the office when I was in Edinburgh last month.

Sat, 08/25/2012 - 10:50

Thanks everyone for showing your interest (plus thanks to Tartuffa for words of support). I'll leave it with you, but I'm in Italy next week if you want to talk - maybe via Skype??   Many thanks and all good wishes SGH

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 11:31

I run courses every year in Pacentro, a medieval hilltop village in Abruzzo with great restaurants! This may not be the right level for you, but I'm running a Beginners Plus course 10-14 September. The link will take you to my website and some more information, plus there's a 'what people say' page. I can also send you an information pack if you email me via my site. And I do individual sessions too, so you could have a tailor-made course for the two of you. Completely understand you might not want to take my word for it, but I do have people come back each year, and Tartuffa, who posts here has been on my courses, as has her husband. If I can be of help, just let me know.   Best wishes SGH

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 18:52

Hello I think it may have gone in the meantime, but I'll ask.   SGH

Answer to: Mobile phones
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 11:48

I have a UK phone with Vodafone Passport on it plus an Italian SIM. This year I have discovered that it's actually cheaper to make calls over say, 10 mins, with the UK phone. Passport is a 75p charge for every call, but you can then use your inclusive minutes. I use the Italian SIM for short calls within Italy and so Italians can phone me more cheaply. Italians (assuming they're in Italy at the time of the call) don't pay to receive an international call. Hope this is useful SGH

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 09:36

Thanks Charlotte This is timely as I know a couple of people who were about to go down the route of getting a will drawn up in Italian too. Best wishes SGH

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 09:00

Just picking up on the last couple of posts. As I said in my original post, you have to use the F24 in triplicate, but as fweather1 says, there's actually very little to complete. My comune gave me two codes to enter on the form along with the amount to pay against each one. Presumably the codes vary from place to place, to make sure the right comune gets the money, but each individual comune will be able to provide the relevant codes.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 12:00

Thanks everyone for these helpful comments. An itinerary involving driving and public transport is shaping up nicely now. Salutoni

Fri, 03/09/2012 - 12:14

Now why didn't I think of that before? enlightenedBut he'd get all the times, dates and name wrong, wouldn't he?wink

Thu, 03/08/2012 - 18:03

Thanks for this, Ram. I did wonder about getting a bus part way and then picking up a car. Perhaps I could do a bus hop to Taormina on the way back too. Yes, I've read the reviews of the B&B but the terrace overlooking the beach has to be worth a look! The other towns you mention were on my list and it's good to know about it being a safe area. I usually prefer to travel alone, so it's only sensible to travel well informed. Any other tips from other forum members will be much appreciated. Salutoni Italian and English language services