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Thu, 05/14/2015 - 06:02

My wife & I moved to Italy 4 years ago from Australia, everyone here thinks we are mad moving from Australia to Italy!! But we have loved every moment, we have been running a bed & brekfast in the Emilia Romagna Region www.cherryhouseinitaly.com for the last 2 years.We are at an altitude of 800 metres in the Appennines and we really have all 4 seasons. We are in the small town of Polinago but close to other major towns that have all the servies you would require. It is a deligtful community with a very long history. The scenery here is unlike any other in Italy with the summers being quite pleasant as we are normally 8-10 degrees cooler than on the pianora. In Winter we do get snow which gives the region a great look.I really would suggest renting first so you can see if you like the area and the people. After living in a city in Australia we wanted a quieter life where friends and family can visit. We have had more than 200 quests through our B&B, with many having been more than once.We have had many ups & downs during our time and have learnt very much and we would be happy to help with any questions. You can look into it as much as you like but untill you are here it will be very hard to decide.Good luck with your quest.David