Blue and Mon's activity

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Thought this might be of interest to anyone thinking of driving to Italy before the middle of December. Norfolkline (now part of DFDS) are offering a special fare on all Dover - Dunquerque sailings up to 15th December this year.  Car plus 4 people

Thu, 06/02/2011 - 09:58

Have only just noticed that I should probably have put an introduction in first, but there we are.  If all else fails, read the instructions... Glad to have found this site and joined the community.  We have a small apartment in the city of Como a

Fri, 10/08/2010 - 12:12

A few of our favourite photos taken around Lake Como over the past year or so.

Thu, 10/07/2010 - 05:28

Comments posted

Fri, 10/08/2010 - 11:53

We travel from Tunbridge Wells down to Como, which is about 750 miles, and we have found a great place called the Gasthaus zum Loewen in Schopfheim in the southern Black Forest, south of Freiburg.  The website is here: The people are great, the food is excellent and you can rent the garage for the night for 5 euros, which is very useful if the car is filled to the gunwales, as ours always seems to be...! The way we go is across France (certainly not via Brussels because of traffic - did it once, never again) and it's so easy on the Autoroute de l'Est, then down via Strasbourg, across the Rhine and down on the German side southwards.  The huge advantage of Schopfheim is also that you miss Basle completely, since you leave the autobahn at the last exit before Basle.  (I read another post the other day about a route to miss Basle, which is exactly the way we go - you cross the Rhine into Switzerland at Bad Saeckingen with no delays whatsoever). Hope this helps! MONICA