User Activity

sagraiasolar replied to a question: Geothermal Heating V's Oil or Gas Heating with: "Ground source pump....."
sagraiasolar replied to a question: Open Fire or Wood Burner with: "Wood stove - hot water too."
sagraiasolar replied to a question: Newbie with: "Re your heating costs..."
sagraiasolar replied to a question: Wood Burning Stove.. with: "Heating power needed"
sagraiasolar replied to a question: PV solar panels report with: "Reply to Capo Boi"
sagraiasolar replied to a question: How many kilowatts? At what price!!! with: "cheaper pool pumping....."
sagraiasolar replied to a question: wood burner central heating with: "Wood stove......"
sagraiasolar replied to a question: Agibilita with: "Thanks"
sagraiasolar replied to a question: How much for firewood this year?? with: "seasoning wood"