Please can somebody help and give me

07/20/2014 - 05:09

Please can somebody help and give me much needed advice.  My father died recently and left the family  a plot of land which has olives groves measuring 1476 sm. Contained in the olive groves is a fabb rurale measuring 10 ca.  This is a derelict rural agricultural building.  Do we need to register this fabb rurale at all under the tax law and if so who do I need to contact.  Any help would be very much appreciated.  Thank you. 



It depends.  Is it totally derelict? Do you want to sell? Do you care if the building is there or not?   If its a pile of stones you can declare it a ruin and that is that.   What you cannot do is nothing,  since 2011 you cannot have a fabricato rurale so it must be reclassed as an ente urbano in some form.  or you cancel it as a building

Thank you very much for your speed reply.  It is basically an old derelict ruin so I think it should be reclassed as a  ente urbano.  Thank you for your very valuable information.  Do you know how I get this information changed on the Visura.

Not that simple Im afraid.  You will need a geometra or tecnico to do the reaccatastamento, pay the fine because it should have been done a couple of years ago, and then pay the Catasto for the voltura - it will cost you around 1000 euros I should think.  This assumes that it is catasto'd  F.R.   A cheaper choice would be to have it reclassed as a unita colabente - always as an Ente Urbano but it will mean you dont pay taxes on it.   Basically you need to get your geometra to sort it out - whether its worth it for 10mq is for your to decide. ...