The anti-ageing tea

| Tue, 11/02/2010 - 07:14

Worried about ageing? Now it seems that we can all stop buying those expensive creams and drink rooibus [redbush] tea instead: according to research carried out by Dr Mauro Serafini of INRAN [Italy’s Institute of Food and Nutritional Research] redbush tea contains important anti-ageing components.

Dr Serafini carried out his research on a group of 15 healthy, non-smoking volunteers who were divided into three groups. Every two weeks one group was given unfermented redbush tea to drink, the second group drank water and the third group drank fermented red tea.
The drinks were rotated so that all the volunteers drank each one over the research period. The volunteers underwent blood tests before and after drinking the liquids and those who had drunk red tea showed a significant increase in their plasma antioxidant defences. The highest increase was shown in those who had drunk the unfermented tea.

The research team are unable to define exactly what the tea’s antioxidant components are but there is no doubt that it is good for us: it is calorie and caffeine-free, low in tannin and contains properties which are good for children’s growth.

Will you switch to red tea?
