Signs of the 1412 Genovese attack on Spezia found in Carpena

| Thu, 08/25/2005 - 06:36

Archaeological escavation in Spezia

The "Gruppo Archeologico Spezzino" dedicated 2005 to escavation in the area of the Carpena castle in this beautiful Ligurian town. Following the important discovery of several human bodies and signs of a great battle inside the castle archaeologists are now hoping to better reconstruct the events that took place in 1412 - when the Genovese Republic attacked and occupied Spezia.

Spezia, in that time, was outside the "Genovese Republic" and was under constant threat by Genovese troops. Historians and archaeologists already knew that 1412 was the year of the definitive attack on the medieval castle of Carpena in Spezia and now they finally have proof of the battle inside the castle. The excavations have recovered several signs of a long and tough battle in the defensive "heart" of the castle. Swords, arrows and lances. Coins of the Republic of Genoa were also found as well as Islamic ceramics were also found - indicating the importance of the location in the Mediterranean trade routes.

Perhaps the most unexpected discovery, however, was that of a mass grave in a crypt under a church dedicated to San Nicolas in the centre of the castle. The remains of at least 15 individuals were found that seem to be victims of the plague. Further analysis and DNA tests will be able to reveal more information as well as perhaps trace their current day relatives still living in Spezia.
