Hi there! This Is Cecilia, a tour guide based in

07/22/2020 - 10:06

Hi there! This Is Cecilia, a tour guide based in Rome and Urbino. I was wondering how many of you decide to visit Italy this season or soon? 



Hi Cecilia. Proposing to travel by car to our apartment in Le Marche on the 24th August and whilst there will be hopefully travelling to Urbino, my mother’s childhood home to visit some old haunts. A beautiful city.

My wife and I had a trip planned to Rome and Florence for last March. Of course we had to reschedule. We were hoping to visit this September, but Italy is understandably still not allowing visitors from America. We are hoping to be able to visit in the spring, but who knows....

Hi. We have been driving down to our house in Ferrara since early July when restrictions lifted. Not planning on flying for a while but feel quite safe here. Visiting the beaches, restaurants etc just avoiding huge crowds.