The Italian song of the week - "Questo piccolo grande amore"

07/23/2009 - 05:53

Claudio Baglioni (Rome - 10 May 1951) is a pop singer, song-writer and composer who made the big-time with Questo piccolo grande amore. I guess that every loving couple in Italy has dedicated this love song to his/her lover! Listen to it and think of walking on a beach with him/her: Other great Baglioni songs are: claudio baglioni strada facendoClaudio Baglioni - Mille giorni di te e di meClaudio Baglioni-E tu  



Does anyone have the lyrics to "Ci vuole un fiore" by Sergio Endrigo. It's jst one of those songs I can't get out of my head. I have it on an italian learning CD but just can't make out the lyrics. Sorry Valentina I have not had chance to listen to your music. I am at work at the moment and do not have my headphones with me. I will listen tonight.Grazie!

Listened to your suggestions. Not that I understand the lyrics but it did not seem very romantic.  He sounds a bit like Cat Stevens (Yousef Islam). But I guess if I asked a non english speaking Italian to  listened to Cat Stevens singing " Wild World" and I told them it's romantic they would probably disagree.  I think there is going to be a case of  " Lost in translation"  A good melody is every thing. Take the childrens' song " Ci vuole un fiore" of which I now have the lyrics and english translation.You don't need to know the words its just catchy.  Please continue introducing italian culture to us.grazie !  

In reply to by Conrad

Hi Conrad!Thanks for all of your inputs! I've made my own researches and find out more about Cat Stevens. I think that most Italians know "Wild World" because of this famous commercial:I've also learned something more about Stevens music world:"There is a criticism sometimes of my music, that it's kind of naïve, but then again that's exactly why people like it. It goes back to the pure childish approach of seeing things almost for the first time. A kid can say things like, 'Why is a cow?' You shouldn't put those words together! But if you do, then it makes you stop and think" - taken from Here it is the text of Claudio Baglioni song. It tells a story of a men/boy remembering of the good past days with his girlfriend. The first love of your life, the one that you never forget but that now is gone. Italians say "il primo amore non si scorda mai". The titile relates to the fact that they were young but able to feel big emotions.I can say it is romantic but also sad because at the end of the story he broke her heart and after some time (maybe years) he would have liked to meet her again .. :Questo Piccolo Grande Amore  Quella sua maglietta finatanto stretta al punto che mi immaginavo tuttoe quell' aria da bambinache non glielo detto mai ma io ci andavo mattoe chiare sere d' estateil mare i giochi e le fatee la paura e la vogliadi essere nudiun bacio a labbra salateil fuoco quattro risatee far l' amore giù al faro...ti amo davvero ti amo lo giuro...ti amo ti amo davvero!E leilei mi guardava con sospettopoi mi sorrideva e mi teneva stretto strettoed ioio non ho mai capito nientevisto che ora mai non me lo levo dalla menteche lei lei eraun piccolo grande amoresolo un piccolo grande amoreniente più di questo niente più!mi manca da morirequel suo piccolo grande amoreadesso che saprei cosa direadesso che saprei cosa fareadesso che voglioun piccolo grande amoreQuella camminata stranapure in mezzo a chissacche l' avrei riconosciutami diceva "sei una frana"ma io questa cosa qui mica l' ho mai credutae lunghe corse affannateincontro a stelle cadutee mani sempre più ansiosedi cose proibitee le canzoni stonateurlate al cielo lassù"chi arriva prima a quel muro..."non sono sicuro se ti amo davveronon sono...non sono sicuro...E leitutto ad un tratto non parlavama le si leggeva chiaro in faccia che soffrivaed ioio non lo so quant' e' che ha piantosolamente adesso me ne sto rendendo contoche lei lei eraun piccolo grande amoresolo un piccolo grande amoreniente più di questo niente piùmi manca da morirequel suo piccolo grande amoreadesso che saprei cosa direadesso che che saprei cosa fareadesso che voglioun piccolo grande amore...------------------I think that Wild World and Questo piccolo grande amore songs have something in common: they both talk about love and about the end of a love story.Thanks for mentioning Yusuf Islam, I've never heard about that.I also appreciated to re-listen to "Ci vuole un Fiore": a children song simple and enjoying everyone who listen to it!Alla prossima!Valentina 

Nice song - and a good looking chap when he was 34.  What's he like now he's 58?  Does he have an unmarried son by any chance.............?