Valentina+c's activity

Questions Asked

When I visit Italy, I like to observe how other people see the place where I was born and their way to visit it.

These are pictures of people that I captured while they were taking photographs or simply enjoying a place.

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 13:27

 yes, again "mamma". Yesterday I watched a TV show and was delighted by Bocelli's voice singing a twenties italian song: "Mamma son tanto felice"My grandmother still tells me about her coming back from work and singing this wonderful song with her

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 06:10

 "Fatti mandare dalla mamma" by Gianni Morandi (1944 - ). He achieved a national stardom with this song in 1962. He won a number of Italian popular song festivals such as Canzonissima in 1969 and Festival di Sanremo in 1987.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 11:07

I believe that people who fell in love with Italy, fell in love also with its culture. Italian songs are part of me - as an Italian - and part of Italian culture.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 10:32

They may not be high quality photos - this is not a photo competition.I just would like to share with you how I see Italy and the best things that attracted my eyes during my trips in Italy.Hope this will be a place to share your favourite photos

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 09:18

Ciao a tutti, I really enjoy discussing about languages and the challenges/fun people have with the Italian language :) I would love talk to you about this and hopefully help along the way.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 13:03

We received an email about two Fundraising exhibitions with auction to raise money to help to rebuild the 18th Century church Santa Maria del Suffragio in L’Aquila.

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 11:21

Comments posted

Answer to: Fresh Start
Wed, 05/13/2009 - 06:37

Hello and Welcome,that is the reason why we set up the "Piazza". We want to create a great ITALY Community, that even if virtual, can give much more to the members who are part of it and who really wish to share opinions about Italy as a place to visit or where to live or even just dream of.Please, use this new tool provided by Italy Magazine, also to ask for advice or give any, because, as Italians say: "Non si finisce mai di imparare"! - there is always something new to learn!