Valentina+c's activity

Questions Asked

When I visit Italy, I like to observe how other people see the place where I was born and their way to visit it.

These are pictures of people that I captured while they were taking photographs or simply enjoying a place.

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 13:27

 yes, again "mamma". Yesterday I watched a TV show and was delighted by Bocelli's voice singing a twenties italian song: "Mamma son tanto felice"My grandmother still tells me about her coming back from work and singing this wonderful song with her

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 06:10

 "Fatti mandare dalla mamma" by Gianni Morandi (1944 - ). He achieved a national stardom with this song in 1962. He won a number of Italian popular song festivals such as Canzonissima in 1969 and Festival di Sanremo in 1987.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 11:07

I believe that people who fell in love with Italy, fell in love also with its culture. Italian songs are part of me - as an Italian - and part of Italian culture.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 10:32

They may not be high quality photos - this is not a photo competition.I just would like to share with you how I see Italy and the best things that attracted my eyes during my trips in Italy.Hope this will be a place to share your favourite photos

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 09:18

Ciao a tutti, I really enjoy discussing about languages and the challenges/fun people have with the Italian language :) I would love talk to you about this and hopefully help along the way.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 13:03

We received an email about two Fundraising exhibitions with auction to raise money to help to rebuild the 18th Century church Santa Maria del Suffragio in L’Aquila.

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 11:21

Comments posted

Thu, 05/28/2009 - 05:11

Of course an advice from people with a direct experience would be more helpful, but maybe this section of italymag should be of help for those you are interested in the property market: 

Wed, 05/27/2009 - 05:27

 together with the great song you posted, the following is another of my favourite Bocelli's song..just close your eyes and "sogna"!

Wed, 05/27/2009 - 04:43

 Hi Helen,the status it the right place to describe what your feelings are in a particular moment or what are you thinking about.This is how you can have one: you one the get one more idea of what a status is, just go at the bottom of the Piazza's page and you will find other users' status.Waiting to see your own status!!

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 13:22

 yes, you are right. Your not allowed - yet. I'm looking forward to hear your new ideas. 

Answer to: Deary deary me!!
Tue, 05/26/2009 - 13:18

I can see you have some difficulties in using this new system.In fact the tags you added to your post are not very related with the content - as it should be.Anyway it is not too late to learn something more! I'm sure the FAQ section will be of help. I don't believe "before" was better, but just different. :)

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 11:14

The group could be a good idea, but posts would be seen only by members of that group. Unless you specify - in each post -  to go public. Another idea could be creating new posts and adding the tag "job offers". This way they will go automatically public, which I think would be more useful in this case.

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 10:14

Making a queue is irritating, but I hate people who don't want to wait for their turn...that's why I prefer to go in a post office during lunch time!

Answer to: Ciao a tutti
Tue, 05/26/2009 - 06:24

 Hi Cinghiale,is there any particular feature that looks too hard to use for you? If there are any, I advice you and others to carefully look at this new section which helps new users to learn more about the new, it would be better to move the conversation elsewhere - if you would like to continue it - to let people answer Headyheady question about Italian language.

Answer to: Ciao a tutti
Tue, 05/26/2009 - 06:21

Hi, I replied to a similar comment like this: 

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 05:50

 "San Tommaso se non vede, non crede" - told of a person that doesn't believe something without actually seeing it. :)