adriatica's activity

Questions Asked

i read this report and thought its worth letting others see.. to be honest its only likely to happen in spain because of the scale of the expat numbers.. but you do see it here too in smaller ways .. saw it in devon and suffolk with incomers..

Sat, 05/21/2011 - 05:19

on the old forum there was a long debate over the rubbish dump in Bussi ..

Wed, 05/11/2011 - 05:25

looking into residency once more where certain requirements are more than clear even for EU citizens and there are a wealth of laws and forms to fill in even for those of you that think you can just travel to your home here whenever you like and t

Tue, 03/29/2011 - 06:51

yesterday morning driving to Teramo it seemed like the world had dumped an awful lot of rain.. then started looking at the news..

Thu, 03/03/2011 - 04:03

overseas agents fraud this is not an italian related story but easily could be...

Wed, 02/16/2011 - 04:13

heres quite a simplistic video from you tube regarding houses and the types of property that are secure its a thing i used to go on about a lot.. this explains better than most words..

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 06:11

not sure if the link will work..

Tue, 02/15/2011 - 04:50

Another old but new law has passed its date of compliance and to be honest its having an effect already the whole of Italy has been mapped from above and the photographed properties have been or are being compared against their catastal registrati

Wed, 01/26/2011 - 06:20

the other day Brunetta, the minister of public administrtaion spent an hour or so telling us all about the new laws that are now active from yesterday regarding how citizens and business will have new and improved access    its all based around 2

Wed, 01/26/2011 - 06:00

on the news and in the papers today a report from the lega ambiente and the civil protection group..ok...

Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:22

Comments posted

Wed, 06/24/2009 - 03:36

Teramo happens to have one of the major research centres into this disease and they are collecting data all the time and also using holistic preventative methods... against the disease... however reading further it also seems that when the disease becomes endemic in an area cats also can catch it... and there is research going on about the amount of disease in the stray cat population....  not being a cat owner i know very little on how to prevent or the treatments...there is a fair amount of info around on the net and if you happen to live in one of the endemic areas with felines might well be worth having a look to see what the latest research says

Answer to: New Earth Tremor
Wed, 06/24/2009 - 02:58

also strange... last weekend there were two concerts arranged... one at the Olympic stadium rome with lots of the bigs of italian popular music...which didn't go so well and caused some arguments because the stadium didn't get sold out... Roma people were given a bit of a hard time over that..more successful and aimed at a more specific cause... rebuilding a school was the concert organised by Luara pausini who made it an all female concert at the san siro milan.... this sold out ... and was a great success here's a link to the story and you can see lots of the concert on various music sites its been a week full of abruzzo news once again... some good some not so good 

Answer to: New Earth Tremor
Tue, 06/23/2009 - 16:41

the tremor last night was a bit of a surprise but according to all known accepted things to do with quakes not unexpected in the course of how these things go... whilst the earth surrounding the fault line that runs along the apennines settles back down after the eruption in April...  have all been told to expect these bi-monthly /monthly larger settlements .....------------------------away from abruzzo ie to the north or south that's not to say another quake couldn't occur... the major movement has happened here as we all know...  so areas outside abruzzo and its surrounding regions.... further north or south.... ie because the quake has been based around L'Aquila the north western area ... it seems that a lot of the aftershock and or smaller tremors are felt more in the Marche area...----------------------------a lot of it is to do with valleys or fault line that traverse the apennines... one being that which goes down through ascoli to the coast and out to sea... or say here the area up to Montorio...  following the old road through the valley--------------------now last nights quake did no significant damage according to the news reports ... apart from the real concerns of those living in the L'aquila province.... its obvious those people who have been through a nightmare that has  meant loss of homes and lives will make any significant tremor far worse .... and the nightmares will all start again  --------------------------------strangely enough it follows the news that an area of the old city had been made safe and re-opened ... but it just shows that for the next few months at least it will be no use expecting a return to normal in the sense of continuous minor tremors.... don't forget that the areas of Italy along the fault line... suffer or mainly do not suffer any probs from couple of hundred earth movements a day recorded all along the line from the north of Italy to the far south...---------------------------the point is .. and ok i made it before ... Italy along the fault line will always suffer from semi major quakes... effects felt to the side.. such as where we live... that providing you have a property built to the regulations here nothing to not much will happen...---------------------------------L'Aquila quake was for once rarely in modern times centred on a city area and its surrounding villages...  virtually no modern or properly restructured  private structure suffered any damage..  even in that area... because L'Aquila is very poor many of the outlying village properties had never been updated to standards... hence the collapse of almost whole villages... in L'Aquila the city virtually all damaged properties and loss of life was to do with public buildings and churches.. or properties built and never updated since seismic regulations were introduced here...--------------------------however to me its much like the Italian car driver with the Rosary,Padre Pio and whoever their favorite saint is blocking the view as they drive rapidly along with babies in arms in the front seat... or older children with faces pressed against windscreens standing upright between front seats..etc etc... and the inhabitants of a class 1 seismic region preferring or choosing to spend their money on wide screen TVs ...  Satellite and football channels subscriptions... living in a property they have not updated for the last fifty years... because they have a Padre Pio statue in the house...  and he will protect them...------------------------------------my point is that quakes in Italy are the norm....  although say for Abruzzo its been a hundred years since the last significant episode... the val di sangra area was affected by the Molise quake eight or nine years ago...   so it seems to me that if you have chosen to live or buy here that it would be pretty well a significantly highlighted point in your research of the place that Italy does have a large amount of its north south central land mass lying along a major fault line...---------------------------so earth tremors are the norm... and in the morning for most of us they provide an interesting over the bar coffee conversation ... by lunch time its old hat....and its back to local mayors and comunes or national politics-------------------------------------OK am expecting all the usual comments regarding my different views... but for once id be happy if it wasn't suggested i would go blind...  or have no sympathy for the people of L'Aquila... ------------------------finally have gone dashing... plus dotting... i tend to write as i talk and i have found even though i add gaps to give anyone reading my rubbish enough time to breath the gaps disappear when i submit the page    dashes seem to do the separation job admirably... to my mind at least

Sun, 06/21/2009 - 03:58

with Gala that is... sensible and good advice...would add further if at this stage you are pretty serious about the property but only want to verify the legality of the title and any associated debts or neighbouring land problems it could be a wise choice to use a notary to do the preliminary reason is because they would almost be sure to carry it all out in the same way as if you were going to buy... highlighting any significant problems with an eventual purchase or planning concerns... plus make sure it was all registered legally or if not how to go about having this sorted before a final act...the benefit is that this cost would then be paid only the once... as if you use the same notary a lot of these costs which would have been left to the preparation of the final act will have already been paid...the other suggestions by gala all relate to structural problems and agree with her on those points and who to use... however the first step should be making sure the property is yours and your relative without encumbrance before any building checks

Answer to: Guttering
Sun, 06/21/2009 - 03:50

you can buy plastic that looks like copper.... the only difference is it doesnt go green with age... well price and the fact that its a lot less likely to get stolen... the other alternative and it should be a serious consideration if you live in an area where you might occasionally get winter snows is the galvanised option... generally come in dark brown forms around here... although the cheapest is unpainted... but this gives long life...reasonable price and strength... anyway if you go to a builders yard they are generally laid out in all the mess... hidden away somewhere... and with no price.. but they are there... the copper they keep up close to the main area because there is less likelihood of it being loaded by mistake by a visiting enterprising builder who is loading up his own van with yards here lack security and staff... you might well have noticed.. of course the castorama type places also sell the stuff ... however with the length of guttering its often difficult to arrange the transport... which i general is why i get the bits and pieces like that locally... less likely to be stopped by the police on a country road if the tubes are just sticking out the back window a bit too far....  

Answer to: Guttering
Sat, 06/20/2009 - 15:27

lots of it plus fittings in any builders yards... edil whatever ...

Sat, 06/20/2009 - 14:56 was said above there is really no national standard...each region has to ratify the law and also is allowed to changes volumes etc...etc etc... this site give the regional updatesthere is another site this also gives news by region...both sites are very unclear about things... but it just proves what sang says above and maybe what your geometra is is also all complicated because of recent events in Abruzzo and the fear that there are certain individuals practicing in building works on all levels that will use the supposed ease of these rules to by pass strict seismic regulations in most areas of Italy... so do a search either on these sites or on google italy with your region name and the piano casa and you might well get lucky with a decision having been reached there...i have very little faith in the whole thing being anything new and it will be only be of use to individuals who can easily work the system for their own benefit... (whats new) ... and these people in the past managed it without the new law in any case... could be wrong and it will be very much a regional provincial system of worth with the better run regions... look central north... applying the rules more fairly

Fri, 06/19/2009 - 07:19 are milan based but they may well have contacts or be able to help with advice of how to solve your problem... there are also many dog forums here which might help... but they are also all in Italian ...and often like you they are often desperately searching to re home... is another national site for dog protection and might be worth asking for help good luck 

Fri, 06/19/2009 - 06:55

i would suggest you contact someone like charlotte oliver who is an italian based(rome) solicitor... who is pretty much a specialist in this field ...c.oliver@studiopaoletti.comUk and Italian qualified we use her services re house sales and any other contracts... both us and our clients and so far have not been disappointed... she also writes detailed articles on wills relating from a UK/Italian perspective so pretty much agree with the advice above...get a professional ... i would basically skip the UK based specialists... they have never done what they promised our experience... but get detailed advice from someone that knows... to make sure you get the best deal for both you and your family 

Thu, 06/18/2009 - 02:25

takes a brave person....also agree that its all much easier... have been busy of late and have only been able to quickly get on and look but it has become much more manageable to see the latest bits and pieces and its also good to see a community developing...agree with the sentiments of the hard work done behind the scenes and in combination with those that have put in an effort of the posting front it really is starting to take a thanks to all posters and developers and admin... and Sprostini... for sticking with it and posting something which i can add my thanks as well to