Ram's activity

Questions Asked

Suddenly there is a new forum and lots of new members appear from nowhere asking really useful questions!  it's almost as if someone somewhere is trying to make the new site justifuy its existence.  Which is nice.

Fri, 05/24/2013 - 01:13

One for Charlotte - i have an American client, executor of his fathers estate who says that under the Uniform International Wills Act he can deal with the Italian succession of his American/Italian father.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 06:36

'Tourists' in ITaly have now got a deroga from the government allowing them to buy stuff that costs more than 1000 euros with cash.

Wed, 02/22/2012 - 03:22

There is a hugely important element to the manovra published yesterday. For people who took residence in Italy to get prima casa, but dont actually live here...From 2012 you will pay 7/1000 on the value of any property owned OUTSIDE ITaly.

Thu, 12/15/2011 - 02:52

oops apologies - going blind in my old age

Thu, 12/02/2010 - 03:55

So the Nationwide has introduced bank charges - £1 fee and 2% commission on every withdrawal via ATM abroad - Im gutted. But, I had no advance warning and am also deeply annoyed. Anyone else in the same boat?

Thu, 11/18/2010 - 03:54

Somewhat open mouthed to see a large ad for Giambrone on the front page of the Italy Mag website.

Sat, 11/06/2010 - 04:04

Does anyone have any info on the scudo fiscale.  It seems that the new version is not only retroactive, but anyone bringing money into Italy could be liable for 5% tax if they are resident.

Tue, 01/05/2010 - 13:05

 The disaster in the province of Messina goes to prove the instability and 'eyes wide shut' approach to living in Italy.

Mon, 10/05/2009 - 04:04

Comments posted

Thu, 09/03/2009 - 09:26

 If you're looking at a pile of stones on some land, you should be paying the agricultural value of the land, plus a bit for the 'cubatura' that the house gives you.  What is important to know is how much results at the catasto for the building - that is what you will be able to rebuild.   The land will have an agricultural value, if its level with decent access, etc etc the value will be higher than a teraced piece of land you cant reach.10.000 euros to repair a white road of a kilometre sounds about normal.    its not how near are the electircity lines, but how near is the nearest cabina - Ive just done one which for 1200 metres came in at 4000 euros. Water - dont believe it.  Get a preventivo for a drilled well which will give you year round water. It sounds as though this will be an agricultural property - desginated E at the cataasto - and the bulding will be either a fabbricato rurale or not catastato'd at all - If it doesnt result at teh catasto pay waht the land is worth and the building should be gratis.  

Answer to: building terms
Wed, 09/02/2009 - 12:03

 Or go to a fai da te (DIY) store - caalled Punto Brico or something similar usually, and you cna shop till you drop and learn the lingo at the same time! 

Wed, 09/02/2009 - 12:01

 The TIM dongle is now apparently 69 euros, PAYG - it was 120 euros a couple of months ago.  

Wed, 09/02/2009 - 03:46

 Italy doesnt close at Christmas like other countries.  Naples is great at christmas - there is the Via San Gregorio Armeno in the heart of the old city where they sell all the presepe stuff and where theres Christmas all year round.  The Neapolitans love their Christmas, the more gaudy and kitsch the better.  Having said that Xmas in Italy isnt as commercial as other places.  In Naples there is the big meal on Christmas Eve which means everything shuts at 7pm while they cook eels.  Xmas Day is great, discos, cinemas, everything is open and after your blow out on Xmas Eve you go out and enjoy yourselves.  Pompei will be open I would think, and it should also be possible to go up vesuvius.  The weather at Xmas is usually mild, and its more an occasion to eat than to spend a fortune.   

Tue, 09/01/2009 - 07:11

Ive just been closeted with the head of the ASL here in Ragusa.  He tells me that an anagrafe should only accept Complete insurance from any applicant - so all my posts about cheap insurance could now not be valid, even though comunes accept it as valid.He also says that assicurazione volontaria is now available to EU members and not only extra communitari - at a cost of 386 euros pa.  (he received this news via Regione Sicilia, so it could be that it is only a Sicilian thing at the moment)  If true, its good news as far as EU members wanting to gain residence.  

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 04:52

 Mechanics and carrozzierie - body shops are probably the best earners in South Italy - theres certainly enough work - as most cars have only 3rd party insurance.  However, whether a city and guilds is recognised in Italy I dont know - your first stop should be the Italian Conuslate as even if it is recognised it would have to be translated for the Camera di Commercio (the CCIAA - Chamber of Commerce) to put your husband in its albo (register) of mechanics.   ill ask around. 

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 12:01

 probably a cynical POV but any reporting in foreign press will just bring the usual diatribe from Berlusconi that the communists are coming, and its just envy, greed, communism, Rupert Murdoch (delete as appropriate)  that are out to sling mud at his fantastic work.   Has anyone thought of contacting Le Iene - it seems to be the only truly investigative TV programme that isnt in thrall to government and produces results.  

Answer to: ENEl - HELP!!
Sat, 08/29/2009 - 06:27

 Domestic single phase supplies in Italy both resident and non resident are up to and including 10KW - nowadays 3Kw is the minimum, then 4.5, 6 then 8 then 10. It makes no difference if you are resident or nonresident for the KW of your supply - you just pay more per KW if you are non resident.    

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 06:19

 Adriatica, are you Jeremy Clarkson in disguise?  I saw that 5th gear and the Landrover crash test was salutary! Complimenti on your knowledge of tyres too - it makes depressing reading for me, Im just glad that here in Sicily we don't even need antifreeze or de-icer for the windscreens! 

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 06:14

 Sablanico is right, but not all jobs have the equivalent abilitazione from other EU countries, where the law is different in Italy.  To have a sandwich bar, for example - a health and hygiene certificate from the Uk would cut no ice with the need for a certificato per alimentari - for which you must do the 10 week course and the oral exam at the end of it.    If you have a 'modern' job the cross over is much more painless, but for the more traditional small family business type jobs, there is no escape from the requisite Italian certfication.