User Activity

sprostoni replied to a question: Letting people use your land to grow crops with: "Grazia"
sprostoni replied to a question: Non-Resident Vehicle Ownership & Insurance with: "No"
sprostoni replied to a question: world cup games on italian tv? with: "Grazie mille....."
sprostoni replied to a question: Washing Machines with: "Scusi"
sprostoni replied to a question: Mosquitoes with: "whaaaaattttt???!"
sprostoni replied to a question: prescription charges with: "Calm down calm down !!"
sprostoni replied to a question: Lynx with: "Absolutely !!"
sprostoni replied to a question: English football with: "hmmmmm............Sky Italia"
sprostoni replied to a question: Plastic shopping bags with: " are awful"