Hey everyone, since I get this question

04/24/2014 - 03:23

Hey everyone, since I get this question a lot on my blog - I wanted to ask you guys. When do you think is the best time to visit Italy? In my cases, Florence, Rome etc. Obviously springtime is wonderful weather wise but the intense crowds can make things a little crazy and overwhelming, especially when you want to see a lot of things. I tend to tell people autumn (late september and october) and even May & June. December is also quite pretty when they turn on all of the Christmas lights. Would love to know when you like to come and why! 



I visited Sardinia for the first time last August {yes I know its probably most crowded then} but I really loved Alghero & Stintino {that beautiful Pelosa beach!} and I loved it. September sounds like a great month to visit and hopefully cheaper! Thankfully there are a lot of ryanair flights to the island.