Gala Placidia Image
06/14/2009 - 05:21

 It is most important, if you own a property, to have a clear description for it. That is possible through the "visura catastale" which gives you and confirms many facts regarding your title. It is also possible to obtain a "visura storica" which gives you further details about all the owners. If you have details such as lot numbers, sections, perhaps owners names it is possible to trace all details regarding any property.You can obtain these through your local Registry which is normally located at provincial capitals; however, it is also possible to obtain them on line through: http://www.homeonline.it/doc.cfm/6/visura_catastaleThis is not a free service, you have to pay for it; however, it would save you time and effort and this is worth some money. Otherwise, be prepared to spend all morning at an office, which is not fun.We obtained some documents this way last year and we found out many interesting and beneficial pieces of information regarding our property, such as that an area that a neighbour considered that it was his sole property was in fact a "corte comune". We showed him the title and everything was amicably settled.Well spent money!



 You should however remember that visure catastale are not legal documents - they are not proof of ownership and can be, and are often, wrong.   They are also free - if you pay it is because the agent/geometra who supplies them subscribes to a service and wants to recoup his outlay - the actual visure and estratti di mappe are gratis.

 Yes, you can get them free of charge if you are prepared to spend a whole morning at the Agenzia del Territorio in your capital city. We tried to do it that way and it was an absolute waste of time. The amount they charge is very small, I think that it was around 10 euros and you get your copy at home via the Internet within a few minutes. 

 10 euros!  Here they are between 1 and  3 euros.   The difference between north and south!   Most Geometras, some estate agents and sbrigapratica subscribe to SISTER for a couple of hundred euros a year - and download all the visure free.    

 Well, we must say it is an imaginative way to pay for their subscription; however, I found it useful and worth the expense. Parking downtown for nearly 6 hours would have costed us the same.