
by Italy Magazine Staff | Mon, 10/03/2022 - 08:09
The latest issue of our quarterly e-magazine, Bellissimo, explores the multilayered northern region of Piemonte, the crucial player in the unification of…
by Italy Magazine Staff | Wed, 09/28/2022 - 10:07
Piemonte (Piedmont, in English) doesn’t have the household-name pull of places like Tuscany or Sicily. (Might it catch you off guard if we told you it’s Italy’…
by Italy Magazine Staff | Fri, 09/09/2022 - 03:55
Inspired by a deep love of their native Sicily, this boutique and totally tailored villa rental service gets you right to the heart of the island’s favorite…
by Paola Morotti | Thu, 09/08/2022 - 08:08
Ah, the eternal dilemma for many Italians: “Shall we spend our summer vacation by the sea or hiking in the mountains?” Sometimes September stubbornly rolls…
by Laura Itzkowitz | Mon, 09/05/2022 - 07:00
An easy beach escape for Rome residents, unassuming Terracina sits between the more famous coastal towns of San Felice Circeo and Sperlonga. Known for its blue…
by Toni DeBella | Mon, 08/29/2022 - 06:17
Islands always have an air of mystery about them — blame it on the seclusion factor — and Isola Bisentina is no exception. The larger of Lake Bolsena's two…
by Sammi DiBacco | Mon, 08/22/2022 - 18:07
If you find yourself wandering the streets of Florence in search of a spot to rest your feet — those cobblestones are tough! — and enjoy an adult beverage, you…
by faith | Wed, 08/17/2022 - 19:50
One of the most enjoyable aspects of traveling in Italy is discovering secret towns that stop you in your tracks — as Gagliano del Capo does for unsuspecting…
by Italy Magazine Staff | Wed, 07/06/2022 - 02:11
Puglia packs a punch. This multifaceted southern region is finally getting some long-overdue attention from Italy lovers around the world. The sixth edition…
by Anonymous (not verified) | Wed, 06/29/2022 - 08:36
One of Italy's newest crowdfunding platforms, ITS Lending, is helping people invest in maintaining Italy's charming village life and regenerating ancient towns…