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Mon, 09/16/2019 - 04:27

Good morning,
I hope my comment won't be seen as "offensive" but, although a vendor's problem, it is just matter of negotiation sometimes (the vendor can easily say "the property is on the market "as is" therefore take it or leave it!")

Having said that, if the apartment is a "must have" there are ways around (plan B)….

Please check at the following page for a tool called "contabilizzatore di ripartizione spese acqua" ( it is basically another meter at the beginning of your line which gives the opportunity to measure your exact consumption and share the bill based on consumprion; fixed cost will be split in half!)

Mon, 09/16/2019 - 04:05

Good morning,
Please send me a DM as we are very close and I can give you all info you are searching for.


Mon, 09/16/2019 - 03:56

Good morning,
As a structural engineer, I am taking the opportunity to raise a point into the English community about property in need of renovation.

The asking price reflects exactly he purpose of my comment as I have heard so many times in this community the "budget for renovation"; you forget we are in a seismic area and properties are subject to seismic load instead of vertical ones only.

Having said that, the reason why I said that is based on the amount of new doors, wall moved, etc. which will affect the seismic response of the property.

If the addition to the load on the foundation (new walls and openings, "cordoli di coronamento e di interpiano", etc.) is less then 10%, it is called a "miglioramento sismico" which gives you the opportunity to act only locally therefore the impact on the budget will be minor; if the addition is more than 10%, it is called an "adeguamento sismico" and it has to be checked the response of the structure and its "effetto scatolare" (box behaviour - when subject to earthquake waves the structure has to shake all together without any relative movements between one wall and the other). This will have a major impact on the budget and it cannot be given a cost per square metrage as it very much depends by the design. As a general idea, on a property of 70 mq, the seismic upgrading, normally, is in the region of 30-40 k€ (unless "strange" design).

The asking price is exactly a reflection of what I meant. 55 k€ means to me the property has been built around 1950-1960 and it has never been seismically improved therefore it has to be accounted a certain amount of money for seismic upgrading (I would say 30-40 k€); a professional is required, as "Direttore dei lavori", to certify works have been done according to best industry practice and a certificate has to be released at the end of this first phase within 60 days by completion (Relazione a Strutture Ultimate). The "collaudo statico" (performed by a 10+ structural engineer not involved in any phase of the design or "Direzione lavori") has be released after this certificate in order to have the "Certificato di agibilità" (Certificate of H&S and regulatory compliance - art. 24 DPR 380/01) at the end of the site, including the building services best industry practice certificate (D.M. 37/08 Dichiarazione di conformità Impianti).

Having said that, the "rule of thumb" for restoration cost should be 150-200 €/mq for the concrete structure, 450-500 €/mq for the "cocoon" gross of structure cost (including the walls and "intonaci"/plaster-render).

Another cost is 450-500 €/mq for building services and doors/windoes, tiles (Excluding fixture and fittings).

I have mentioned materials with "average" quality as, for example, tiles can go from 10 €/mq to 100 €/mq (I have mentioned tiles 25 €/mq which will do their jobs without being "expensive").

Hope this little post will help you avoiding "strange" surprises when budgeting your project. Please note these are "generic" numbers and each case is different depending by the design…..

Moreover, in order to modify the "Destinazione d'uso" is not as simple and straightforward as mentioned as it has to be checked the indice fondiario related to the land, any house already built, etc.

I would suggest to double check the "Regolamento Urbanistico" before buying a barn which cannot be converted (using, of course, professional advice)


Mon, 01/19/2015 - 11:44

Good afternoon,
Please PM and I will give you the answers required.

Best regards