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Wed, 10/09/2019 - 06:44

In Italy there is a zoning that goes from 1 to 4; 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest.

Please find the map at the following link

Depending by the area, it is different how much the soil propagates the seismic waves therefore it is different the requirement in terms of stiffness.

Wed, 10/09/2019 - 02:19

Hi Hannah,
There are many things to do.

As you live close, let's meet for a beer so we can have a chat "face to face" about them.

Wed, 10/09/2019 - 02:07

Good morning,
I have read this thread and I think I can give some insight being an engineer.

The standard Italian house has got stone walls which have got bad thermal insulation and they don't "hold" heat very well therefore this is something that has to be accounted before chosing an heating system.

Moreover the air has got three times less capabilities of storing heat compared to water due to physcal properties ( Cp, etc.) therefore this is something else that has to be accounted before chosing the heat "courier" (water or air).

This will mean that a "full-air" system will be three times less efficient than a water system and it will need three times more "fuel" to run. Due to the cost of wood compared to gas it will be more "cheap" to run the system due to fuel consumption before deciding which kind of "courier" will be used (water or air).

The size of the wood burning stove has to be chosen based on the size of rooms, human "usage", heat loss additional heat sources etc.

Once decided the size of the burner the air/water needs to be "piped" into each area using ducitng/piping properly disguised into the walls/ceilings.

I am sorry if I can't be precise when dimensioning each component (size of the wood burning stove, insulation required, fuel consumption per year, etc.) as I don't have numbers (size of the rooms, etc.)

Please send me a PM with rooms description and I will tell you, in layman's term, the size of the wood burning to be installed, using ducting to be disguised in boxing or fake ceiling.(unfortunately I can't provide for a proper design/working drawings as I need many more info and time)

Hope this will help in your renovation project.

Wed, 10/02/2019 - 13:58

Good afternoon,
We are an architectural consultancy based in Basilicata and Campania.

Please check our website to find our services

We can help finding the right property, in Puglia (we have got a service called "property search" and we have got contacts with many estate agents, surveyors, etc.) and help with the restoration/building afterwards.

Please contact us and we will be happy to help you in your search.


Wed, 10/02/2019 - 13:57

Good afternoon,
We are an architectural consultancy based in Basilicata and Campania. Have you heard of Basilicata or Cilento?

Please check our website to find our services

We can help finding the right property, (we have got a service called "property search" and we have got contacts with many estate agents, surveyors, etc.) and help with the restoration/building afterwards.

Please contact us and we will be happy to help you in your search.


Wed, 10/02/2019 - 13:45

Good afternoon Khalid,
Starting from 2016, according to "Circolare del Ministero delle finanze n. 9 del 14 giugno 1993", land within municipalities registered as "montani" do not pay IMU ( please find the list at the following link

Land registerd as "Agricola" on the land registry deeds (Art. 1, Comma 13, L. 208 del 28/12/2015) will not pay IMU as well.

All other land not within these two categories will pay IMU

All other

Wed, 10/02/2019 - 13:06

Good afternoon,
We are an architectural consultancy based in Basilicata and Campania.

Please check our website to find our services

We can help finding the right property, in Rome area (we have got a service called "property search" and we have got contacts with many estate agents, surveyors, etc. as we have lived in Rome for a while) and help with the restoration/building afterwards.

Please contact us and we will be happy to help you in your search.


Wed, 10/02/2019 - 13:01

Good afternoon,
We are an architectural consultancy based in Basilicata and Campania.

Please check our website to find our services

We can help finding the right property, (we have got a service called "property search" and we have got contacts with many estate agents, surveyors, etc. ) and help with the restoration/building afterwards.

Please check our listing to have a glimpse of the properties we are able to find.

Please contact us and we will be happy to share the knowledge of the Southern area of Italy with you.


Tue, 09/17/2019 - 10:52

You're welcome; as you can see in our website services description this is our job and we are keen to provide help for the people who are willing to renovate properties in Italy.

Having said that, I do appreciate the lack of information when dealing with renovations; unfortunately a price list per square meter cannot be provided as it depends by many variables such as seismic response of the structure, cost of the materials, design, hard and soft landscaping, etc.

The numbers I have given are not a professional advice but more a "word on the street" so please take them as not set in stone in order to avoid situations getting on your nerves and miss all the fun…...

Tue, 09/17/2019 - 10:47

Thank you