Ronald's activity

Questions Asked

Every May in a tiny village called Testa dell'Acqua just 15 minutes from Noto they hold a small but very nice open market day where local farmers and artisans gather to sell their produce. Here are some photos from that event.

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 15:04

A great place it will be

Mon, 05/18/2009 - 06:06

There are a lot of "Italian Mysteries" - strange events in politics and society in general for which no full explanation was ever given and no-one has ever managed to uncover what is going on.

Sun, 05/17/2009 - 07:31

It is great to see that some people are already taking on board the wiki idea and beginning to create their own guides to places.

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 13:18

Apologies to all for all the e-mails coming your way - a setting was left on that meant that everyone received a notification for every single thing happening in the Help Group.That setting has now be switched off (people need to opt in in order t

Sat, 05/16/2009 - 11:39

Watching TV7 on Rai 1 where there is a report regarding businesses in the La Maddalena area that have been left wondering how to deal with having the G8 event moved to

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 18:14

Members all around have done (and are continuing) to do some great things with their fundraising activities and ITALY Magazine is eager to hear proposals of how we can help raise the profile of the activities (articles, advertising space, etc)A co

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 15:21

These are two very popular Sicilian comedians - and I need to test videos :-)

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:54

Everyone registered up to a couple of minutes ago is now officially a full blown member. As most everyone is coming over from the forums I thought that was a reasonable thing to do as there is no need to prove your willingness to participate.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:10

As a few people have asked:Groups are a way to group people around a common theme. It may be a region of Italy, a little town, a hobby, etc.Groups are also a means to discuss privately.

Fri, 05/15/2009 - 11:08

Comments posted

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 19:42

my sympathy to family and friends

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 19:31

New posts is "New Activity" that will show you everything new that you haven't read. There currently isn't a "mark read" functionality but I can look into that.Hope this helps!Ronald

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 14:21

Hi - I am trying to see how to help people with navigation. Would you mind telling me what is it that you were trying to find and you could not? Do Topics and Groups make any sense to you? Or was it the activity funtions that are confusing.Or is it simply that there are no forums as such and as a result you can't find things the way you used to?Hoping for some feedback here to try and make it easier for people.Ronald

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 13:51

sicily is warming up finally so I hope to be dipping in soon as well :)

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 13:49

Hi Alan,thanks for the feedback - as I mentioned there are some kinks to iron out but the most important thing to keep in mind is that you can keep it as simple as you like (so for example simply ignore BBCode if you want to - and by the way we will be adding a graphical text editor soon but we need to make sure it is one that works for everyone).This is not about some "techie" (I am guessing you are referring to me) that is trying to justify his salary. I assume you are saying this because you don't know what the setup in ITALY Magazine is. Just to clarify my salary is safe whether there is a community site or not :) I would have considerably more free time without the community but believe it or not I actually enjoy this.It is an attempt to create something different - something that will really work for people that are trying to share information about Italy and will allow us to easily find the information. I realise that the fact that this is not in familiar forum style is off-putting. It seems hard and complicated. However, take a pause for a minute and really look around without having the forums in mind. It is actually much simpler because, for starters, there are actually far less things to do here. You want to say something click on "Create Content" and add a post. Choose your topic and location if they apply - no topic you like? add a topic through the tags yourself. Instant "sub-forum"! You want to comment on something find the post and add your comment - click on save and you are done. You can look at recently created posts, recently updated posts from the menu bar on the top. You can also look at topics and see if there are posts under a topic that interest you.Want to add some pictures - create a gallery. Talk about a restaurant - create a restaurant review. We will be adding more types of the sort soon.Want to share and develop knowledge with friends? - create a group, work on a wiki, Don't really care for all this strange things? Just do posts and ignore all the rest.The maps seem to work for quite a few people as there are plenty of markers there: I understand that they might not behave the same on every setup.Important thing is try to keep it calm and positive.

Answer to: Catching up...
Tue, 05/19/2009 - 08:11

don't forget to check out the user map find out who is close by to you.A presto,Ronald

Answer to: Hi to All
Tue, 05/19/2009 - 08:10

great to have you here and looking forward to geotherm knowledge in his new form.alan badger very rightly saw that we do not allow usernames that are company names as well - hence the re-incarnation.

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 06:58

Ciao Mimosa - great to see you here. Don't worry you will soon get used to things. Just jump right in and get wet!

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 05:05

Hi - you should receive an e-mail shortly about it. If you have any questions regarding the old forums please e-mail me. This is not really the place to enter discussions about the forums.And just "una cortesia" (a favour really) could you avoid posting posts with "A question for Ronald" or "Ronald...." etc. Send us an e-mail or a PM. It is just a bit weird seeing once name in a post and it doesn't help new users understand what is going on!

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 04:29

Hi HelenMW, thanks for taking the leap. First thing I would say is just try various things and see what happens - don't worry about the consequences we can sort things afterwards :)Secondly if you want to inset a smiley just click on smileys and click on the one you like - you will see some text pop upin this area which once you hit save will be translated into a nice image for you.Hope this helps!