Valentina+c's activity

Questions Asked

When I visit Italy, I like to observe how other people see the place where I was born and their way to visit it.

These are pictures of people that I captured while they were taking photographs or simply enjoying a place.

Wed, 06/03/2009 - 13:27

 yes, again "mamma". Yesterday I watched a TV show and was delighted by Bocelli's voice singing a twenties italian song: "Mamma son tanto felice"My grandmother still tells me about her coming back from work and singing this wonderful song with her

Tue, 05/26/2009 - 06:10

 "Fatti mandare dalla mamma" by Gianni Morandi (1944 - ). He achieved a national stardom with this song in 1962. He won a number of Italian popular song festivals such as Canzonissima in 1969 and Festival di Sanremo in 1987.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 11:07

I believe that people who fell in love with Italy, fell in love also with its culture. Italian songs are part of me - as an Italian - and part of Italian culture.

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 10:32

They may not be high quality photos - this is not a photo competition.I just would like to share with you how I see Italy and the best things that attracted my eyes during my trips in Italy.Hope this will be a place to share your favourite photos

Thu, 05/21/2009 - 09:18

Ciao a tutti, I really enjoy discussing about languages and the challenges/fun people have with the Italian language :) I would love talk to you about this and hopefully help along the way.

Wed, 05/20/2009 - 13:03

We received an email about two Fundraising exhibitions with auction to raise money to help to rebuild the 18th Century church Santa Maria del Suffragio in L’Aquila.

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 11:21

Comments posted

Wed, 10/27/2010 - 05:44

Hello I guess it was spam too!  I got exactly the same message a few days ago and immediately blocked him/her. I'm sorry he bothered you with the same annoying message! He can't continue to do it now wink If it ever may happen the same in the future, please don't click on any "strange" link and block him as other members have done through the bottom "block"  below the message. Thanks for posting,  Valentina

Thu, 10/21/2010 - 10:27

Welcome back!  We are happy you joined us again!

Fri, 10/15/2010 - 12:16

Hi and Welcome to the Italy Community. I'm happy to hear from lovers of Italy, the country where I was born!

Wed, 10/13/2010 - 05:41

Hello and welcome to the Italy Community. I think that there are quite a few members from that area! 

Answer to: Opera in Lecce?
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 05:20

Hello I looked for the new season in this website: , which lists event in Italy. Unfortunately I didin't find it! Maybe it's a little early. I've also googled the "stagione lirica lecce 2011" with no results, the 2010's season still appear...

Answer to: Introduction.
Wed, 10/13/2010 - 04:57

Hello, we are happy you joined the Italy Community. Hope you can find useful advice here, in bocca al lupo, Valentina

Answer to: windows
Wed, 09/22/2010 - 05:22

Hello! have you tried to look for companies here? You can find any kind of company in all areas of Italy. If you are looking for windows, your should put "infissi" as a keyword or "serramenti e alluminio" as a category Then enter the town or the province. I've used this more than once and found many useful contacts. Good luck! 

Answer to: Heloo
Wed, 09/22/2010 - 05:15

Ciao e benvenuto nella Community! If you have been living in Italy for 5 years you should speak some Italian at least!  I'm very happy to hear about people who live in Italy. How do you find it? The culture, the town, the Italians..? ps: you are allowed to put links, unless they promote commercial activities. @NonnaLou, I'm sorry to delete your link, but this is not allowed. Thanks for your comprehension!

Fri, 09/10/2010 - 05:01

Hello! I followed your link and found out that you come from beautiful Australia!!  I visited Australia recently and I love this place! How is it for an Australian to live in Italy? I can say that for an Italian, Australia is a really nice country!

Answer to: Hello
Fri, 09/10/2010 - 04:53

A warm welcome to the Community. Ask anything you need to know about Italy!