sebastiano's activity

Questions Asked

Unfortunately whilst still waiting for some kind of government the italian economy is still struggling and in great difficulty.Amongst the many negative indicators this morning it was announced that in the last two months over 10.000 shops have cl

Sat, 03/16/2013 - 08:45

Since publication in the official gazzette n° 14 on the 17/01/2013 it has become obbligatory for all those who host/house paying guests to comunicate their guests' details directly to their local questura by computer.In order to do so it is neces

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 10:00

There have been some rumours of a possible downgrading of Ancona airport to a freight only scalo.Finally national government is trying to bring an end to the era of "an airport in every town" in which minor areas and comunities all wanted to have

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 09:48

we have guests from 15 countries (including italians) given that even google maps have difficulty in finding our location we always ask guests on booking to inform us from where they are coming so we can send them VERY SIMPLE INDICATIONS as to how

Tue, 09/06/2011 - 10:28

I was just reading someone called Pat Eggleton who wrote a patronizing article on the home page of this site concerning a proposal by a minister to shorten or do away with altogether with working lunch breaks.the writer may even have been to Italy

Wed, 11/25/2009 - 12:14

The other day our post lady delivered me a registered letter from was from the ministero delle entrate...revenue again.As usual it was ,to say the least, almost incomprehensible .From what little one could glean it was concerning their "st

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 09:17

Comments posted

Tue, 12/14/2010 - 03:13

no,i'm not sure that it will be a losing battle in that the regional government has started to announce itself against a wild proliferation of these sites in general.The (new) province of Fermo has now decreed that the terms must be so stringent as to now make them near to impossible BUT some time ago the technical office of the comune di amandola when nobody really knew what was going to happen,it appears authorized these five -5 SITES around the town.It has also, based on what is going on elsewhere in italy, attracted the appetite of organized crime who see this as a great opportunity for big scale money laundering (at the expense of the environment) as you can imagine these's more than meets the eye in these stories.For a long time there has been an ongoing debate on the need to increase environmental protection of the media-alta val Tenna as an area of particular natural beauty and as an "entrance portal" to the national park.It's pretty obvious that filling the valley with panel sites is not going to get us (the comunity) very far IF one (we) believe that tourism is one of the few activities which may provide some sort of econiomy to the area for the future.Not to mention the heavy chemicals that are used to diserbare the ground under and around the panels which can affect the cultivations and water underground.It's NOT just a question of N.I.M.B.Y OR "a  few agriturismi and b& b people getting "worried" there won't be any more tourists to the area ( although they are of course)

Answer to: New Year's Eve
Fri, 12/10/2010 - 02:51

yes, Naples is probably the only place where the throwing out of old things from windows and similar anti social practices still persists.But, and this was on the TV yesterday,it seems all the big famous restaurants bars hotels along Naples sea front have decided (in protest against the thousdands of tons of garbage still infesting the city) with a long black mourning drape along the front to close during (part?)  the festive period to remain blacked out .Which i think is totally understandable ..and right.

Answer to: House Insurance
Wed, 12/08/2010 - 04:14

our business is also in our domicile.It was necessary to have a decent insurance to cover fire/flood and other main disasters (excluding of course earthquakes)+ a third èparty insurance in case of damage injuries to others etc..when we asked our agent who is also a good friend about contents insurance he started asking if we had or kept in the house particularly valuable antiques/ objects or painrtings of great value/jewellery/gold etc we informed him we didn't,at which point HE advised us AGAINST contents insurance.he explained that firstly quite complex inventories would have to be made/values established etc that the "established value" as with a car would decline over time,whilst the premium would not ,that it would be costly anyway and finally that "burglars" in italy tend (although this is a generalization) to steal only money/jewels/gold or particularly valuable objects preferably small they aren't going to steal your tv,computer/fridge etc.the bottom line is we have with ALLIANZ a good house insurance and third party liability but NO contents insurance which we judged far too expensive to be feasable.

Tue, 11/30/2010 - 11:16

it takes 18/19 hours the only ships on that route all seem to get into palermo around 5-6pm leaving the evening before.however assuming you can get out of palermo (easier said than done) it only takes a couple of hours for example to get to catania on the motorway if you're staying not too far from palermo you could more or less do it before it's night although it'll already be dark by 5pm....the first time i did this i took a poltrona (areoplane type seat) dreadful.the second time "civilized" took a cabin and have to say it was spotless and even quite sex unfortunately because they're sort of bunks..good shower,breakfast in the's a bit more expensive but you arrive fresh not least you can escape to your cabin (away from exasperating children running up and down) and sleep read a book as tv lounge you can't hear anything (due to the kids) whilst adults keep putting on inane reality shows and quiz can also get dinner not too good but you can always find a salad and cheese and stuff like that....enjoy!

Mon, 11/29/2010 - 03:56

although it was a while back when we finished various stages of restoration we found we had a surplus of stuff; tiles, bricks,even cement sacks pristine etc, our local builders merchant were perfectly willing to take them back.a couple of years afterwards they called me to say we had a credit of 480 euro, did we want the money or did we need anything? as we needed things we took goods instead of money.we lost nothing on the purchase...have you asked your suppliers if they'll take the insulation back?

Sat, 11/27/2010 - 03:38

i'm not sure about the international bi lateral tx arrangements BUT if you are residing in italy on a more or less permanent basis and/ or if the duration of your hospitality exceeds sixty days per annum in total then it will be (as far as the italian tax people are concerned) an italian business and as such subject to italian taxation/vat/health dues and laws.The fact,as you say,that you have until now been paying tax to the uk gov. would only constitute an extenuating factor in that they would probably not fine you but ask you to regularize vis a vis italian tax laws.

Answer to: Italian Car tax
Wed, 11/24/2010 - 05:02

yes, in italy we used to pay car-road tax like happens in the rest of europe. then it was announced that it was to be abolished....and it was...after that they promptly introduced the car-property tax on vehicles based on the kw the engine produces.this has generated a number of problems: firstly you no longer have a road tax disk in your window to remind you when and what is due so you "forget" to pay it.this then leads to extravagant bills/fines deliverred to you from the regional government.On the positive side one is not required to demonstrate to the police one has paid it or not (not their business any more).i have a 3.0 litre diesel pick -up but pay only Euro 39. per annum because it is classed as an "autocarro" i don't know how that quite translates but more or less as a commercial vehicle...but for the same reason however i pay an extortionate insurance premium....swings/roundabouts anyone.

Mon, 11/22/2010 - 11:31

we also just got our tank refilled but the mountain area discount was still in place.i suggest you check with your comune that you are still entitled to this reduction in which case fax the declaration of the comune to your gas company and get a rebate.

Answer to: Gas prices
Mon, 10/25/2010 - 03:23

the small take away bombole cost between Euro 22,00 and Euro 25,00...they don't come any cheaper .if you're using one quite frequently it would be worth getting a smallish bombolone installed near your house at least you won't have to eff about with the bombole,run out at meal times,take them back etc and you'd pay max half that price for the gas..

Mon, 10/11/2010 - 10:10

thru Toscana,along the ligurian coast...oysters in can also take stuff AND bring stuff