simonandjo's activity

Questions Asked

We tried last week to open an online savings account with ING (Italy) to take advantage of their mighty 2% savings rate guaranteed for a whole twelve months. We started to try and open a joint account and started with Jo's details, but the screen

Wed, 05/05/2010 - 12:19

We're toying with the idea of getting a 125cc scooter (e.g. Vespa).

Sat, 04/24/2010 - 07:55

We have a 'community' of semi feral cats living around us. One of them gave birth to four kittens last year on our doorstep and have pretty much stayed around since.

Fri, 01/29/2010 - 04:55

 Only one to add to the others, which are brilliant.Of course what they don't show were the thousands of Italian families enjoying a warm Sunday afternoons'e peace and quiet by the tranquil Lago ........... until us beasts arrived!!

Mon, 09/28/2009 - 11:32

 Hi has anyone had experience of taking grapes to a cantina? We have quite a good harvest (I think) but don't have all the equipment to press our own wine - nor the skills I hasten to add.

Wed, 09/23/2009 - 13:43

Hi does anyone have experience of a dentist in Le Marche area, preferably English speaking. Someone gave the the name of one near Porto San Giorgio but all I'm getting is an engaged tone - they may be on holiday I suppose.

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 06:03

 Well here we are yet again on a monthly birthday.

Thu, 08/27/2009 - 07:18

Well Bert is still taking liberties. As you see from the photos having got rid of one of our relatives from the sunbed - last night - he decides to lie on it himself. Yes, I know he's back to front.

Mon, 07/27/2009 - 07:43

Not sure that I am in the right section but here you go...Olives - might be a little early but we are worried as there don't seem to be many olives on our trees this year.

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 16:27

Have just been sent a form by ENEL following a request to them to change our supply from Domestico Non Residente to Domestico Residente. The form "appears" to allow you to self-certify your residence or get a copy of your residency from the comune

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 09:20

Comments posted

Answer to: Olives 2009
Wed, 09/09/2009 - 05:06

Thanks gregorio, that sounds like good advice!  

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 11:32

Thanks Penny, have pm'd you!

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:25

Thanks for the info Angie

Fri, 08/07/2009 - 07:36

I find that if I cover the pot with clingfilm once I've sowed the seeds they really come on strong and fast, you need to make sure that it is kept moist and in a sunny spot to keep it warm but I've had lots of success this way and lots of lovely basil. The problem I have is with coriander, it struggles to appear and then is very straggly? Any suggestions?Hope this worksJo

Answer to: books
Fri, 08/07/2009 - 07:27

As our Italian is pretty basic we've been reading the 'Geronimo Stilton' series books to help us along. They are written for kids and we have found them useful in increasing our vocabulary and learning verb tenses. They are lots of fun too and now I can read the ones we've done to my grandchildren when they visit! We usually do a chapter after breakfast, Simon with the dictionary to hand and myself with the verb book.

Tue, 07/21/2009 - 06:01

Well done, Sarah and Mark and everyone else who persevered to make it happen!

Answer to: Olives 2009
Sun, 07/12/2009 - 07:50

Hi thanks for the info, makes me feel better that we haven't ruined them - we pruned well this year and I was beginning to think we'd been too drastic. Oh well, now I know - our figs trees are doing well too, so there is always a positive.Jo

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 16:19

thanks for that. We have completed their self certification form will let you know how we got on!

Thu, 07/02/2009 - 06:42

Hi Penny, we haven't got a blue plastic card, its made out of paper card and  mine doesn't have a scadenza on it. It's light blue and says TESSERA SANITARIA on the front. Simon's was reissued (again a paper card one) once he'd seen the diabetician at Tolentino and now his says that its unlimited and I'm presuming this is because of his diabetes as in Europe this health problem is treated to an international standard (well sort of...). We were expecting to receive plastic cards, but 18 months later still not. Hope this is helpfulJo

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 04:20

Hi Penny we come under Macerata, we got our residency in November 2007, took certificate to ASR in Sarnarno and were issued with our tessera sanitaria. On Simon's it reads scad. illimitata  but nothing on mine. Simon is a diabetic so this maybe why it looks like he can access healthcare whatever?  But our ID cards say they are valid until 2018. Our residency certificate we think was issued for 5 years, but the ASR has it. I get very confused by all this, as I'm sure many do. Simon has had no problems accessing healthcare, luckily I have not had to but was called for screening test this year...Not sure if this helps or confuses things...Jo