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 from 1 July any act of sale must include a certificate of energy saving which every house in Italy will eventually need and should be displayed next to the numero civico of the property.

Tue, 06/16/2009 - 10:22

Comments posted

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 11:08

oleanders cost virtually nothing here - why pay to bring them over?  If you have a good watering system you can do an approximation of an English garden - lavender, roses, delphs, the lot - but you have to get your head round planting earlier. 

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 04:40

Ignor reddito agrario - it is for registered farmers.  If your comune charges IMU on land then you will need the RD -reddito domenicale of your land plus the Reddito of the buildings. However they are usually charged at different rates.  YOur visura means this - your house is an A class, ranging from hovel to palace A2 to A9 and is divided into catastal rooms - not real roooms - eg 4.5 rooms - (this should be replaced with square metres, but its taken 10 years so far and little has been done) - the reddito is your theoretical rental income (From about 50 years ago) Land is divided into types, in your semi arborato - a few trees - and not of great quality. Wodden shed: depend where you are.  Sheds are usually ok, but some comunes decide they are garages.  If its wooden and non permanent (ie has a wooden roof and not tiles) you will probably be ok unless the neighbours complain.    Disguising bombolone is easy - bung in some bay (eloro) and in a year it will be hidden.  Again the typs of plants depends on your area - some highly protected areas  only allow planting that is typical of the zone - which means mediterranean.  Try planting kiwi fruit and you're done for.  YOu must just respect the distance from your boundary.   

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 04:40

Ignor reddito agrario - it is for registered farmers.  If your comune charges IMU on land then you will need the RD -reddito domenicale of your land plus the Reddito of the buildings. However they are usually charged at different rates.  YOur visura means this - your house is an A class, ranging from hovel to palace A2 to A9 and is divided into catastal rooms - not real roooms - eg 4.5 rooms - (this should be replaced with square metres, but its taken 10 years so far and little has been done) - the reddito is your theoretical rental income (From about 50 years ago) Land is divided into types, in your semi arborato - a few trees - and not of great quality. Wodden shed: depend where you are.  Sheds are usually ok, but some comunes decide they are garages.  If its wooden and non permanent (ie has a wooden roof and not tiles) you will probably be ok unless the neighbours complain.    Disguising bombolone is easy - bung in some bay (eloro) and in a year it will be hidden.  Again the typs of plants depends on your area - some highly protected areas  only allow planting that is typical of the zone - which means mediterranean.  Try planting kiwi fruit and you're done for.  YOu must just respect the distance from your boundary.   

Thu, 03/21/2013 - 04:39

Of course the result was known - its called choice and self determination. Its like Gibralter, and Taiwan, and Israel/Palestine and every other country in the world.  Or must all states/dependencies 'belong' to the nearest biggest neighbour?  What utter tripe!  Such a complete revisionism of the history of the church I would expect, but rewriting political history is a bit beyond the pale.  

Wed, 03/20/2013 - 04:27

Basta bambini - this is a forum about Italy - not about religion, popes, or Argentina.  there are much more important things to discuss than whether a pope chooses a gold or iron cross from his crucific wardrobe.  

Tue, 03/19/2013 - 10:57

In my experience, I have never had problems with Telecom connecting up an snc address.  However, it doesnt have anything to do with the agibilità/abitalbilita but with the destination of the property.  If your house was a barn or something it might not have had a numero civico, but when you changed the destination with your concessione edilizia it should be allocated one.  Re the phone line - you could think of the new line of sight dishes that are becoming popular - in my area there are various companies, but you could try googling - theres a company called open-sky.it which operates round le Marche, as well as  wimax comapnies such as gowimax.it.  Google wimax MArche and youll see the options. 

Answer to: Residency
Sun, 03/17/2013 - 05:44

If he's charging you 45 euros per 200 km thats not bad - you would usually pay about 45 a day for a car if you hire one locally.   If you bought you would be paying insurance, bollo, maintenance and so on - so it probably works out much more hassle free for you like this. 

Sat, 03/16/2013 - 06:18

The Catholic Church is also the largest provider of health services in the world. Many Third World people depend on that care. -  Thanks Gaia for that - of course this will be the Catholic health service such as the catholic hospital in America who decided that as foetuses 'werent human beings' they werent covered by health insurance.   (February 2013) hypocrites all. 

Answer to: Residency
Sat, 03/16/2013 - 04:53

There should be one in your nearest biggish town - it's where you probably went to get your codice fiscale.  There will be a person who knows about this stuff and be able to tell you how much you owe.  You will need to take a copy of your atto with you.  WHen he gives you the figure (probably after a week or so) you will need to pay it by F23 at your bank.  And thats it - you dont need to show them the proof. 

Answer to: Residency
Sat, 03/16/2013 - 04:51

I already replied to the black and white charge!  - but for those who have been there and done it, it seems like scaremongering - but the laws have changed, and now there are people who can use computers.  In my experience  foreigners like to do everything by the book and sleep at night, they arent the gung ho types - so best to be informed.  Like I said new laws forsee havey penalties for false declarations in public acts.  There is an illegal agent at the moment being prosecuted for this, ie. not being cited in the act of sale.  Whereas before a slap on the wrist would have sufficed, now if the buyer doesnt give evidence against her, he will lose his house.  The agent (who is not Italian) will almost certainly be deported for evasione fiscale.   So, things have changed in recent years!