Fillide's activity

Questions Asked

In the Italian tax system you are allowed to instruct the taxman to direct a very small proportion of your tax to one of a number of charities/organisations of your chouce.

Wed, 06/05/2013 - 17:44

For anybody (or anybody you know!) who wants to experiment with living in Italy before taking the plunge of buying something, a friend of mine has a rather nice ancient tower to rent - 75 square metres on three floors, with as much outside space a

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 16:57

Occasionally, when I feel a bit passionate, or I hear idiot stuff from - let me just describe them as interested parties - I feel the need to defend Beppe Grillo.

Sun, 03/31/2013 - 21:01

I have just posted instructions on how to make a photo appear on this site.

Tue, 01/29/2013 - 08:45

Tomorrow, Sunday, we have the equivalent of primaries - public opportunities to endorse one particular candidate to lead the PD, a centre left party in Italian politics.

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 18:45

I have just come upon this blog, which is written in plain English, and seems to be a reasonably sensible, fairly neutral, overview of what is going on in Italian politics.

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 06:51

I am terminally pissed off with this forum, but it would be polite for me to say goodbye to some virtual friends - so, goodnight Gala, Sagraisolar, Badger, Angie, and apologies to those who I have forgotten to mention.

Fri, 09/07/2012 - 20:59

Medici Villas in Tuscany Rather a useful site (in English) talking about all the Medici villas in Tuscany, with a map and links to the individual websites of the buildings.

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 03:50

There was a thread about inheriting a property in Sicily, which was quite interesting. It has fallen off my screen. Why? There was nothing contentious at all in this thread.

Wed, 08/29/2012 - 20:10

There is a long article in la Repubblica today about how the various organised crime syndicates get involved in the food which you buy everyday. You might have thought that only cheapo no-label stuff could be involved, but it isn't so.

Mon, 07/23/2012 - 13:02

Comments posted

Tue, 01/26/2010 - 11:42

  I don't know if this could be any help, but I noticed our local (in Italy) Land Rover agent offering new vehicles either as cars or as autocarri, at the choice of the purchaser.   Reading between the lines, it sounds like it is a choice available at first immatriculation, and therefore should not be impossible to change. (I think the IVA might be confusing the issue: clearly if you are buying a commercial vehicle as a non-registered person you won't be able to claim the IVA back. I agree with your finding from the insurers - they all want an IVA number to insure a commercial, but I cannot see any good reason why they should insist, if pressed, and you talk to somebody high up in the insurance copany).   It just might be worth your while talking to your Land-Rover agent - you never know, they might be helpful if this 'offer' is a national promotion by the company.

Fri, 01/15/2010 - 20:06

 There are a number of Colleseccos (collesecchi?) in Umbria - which is  your nearest town?

Wed, 01/13/2010 - 18:08

 I rather think shas was confused by by your attempt at spelling buongiorno!

Answer to: scudo fiscale
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 04:52

 I should have been more precise and said Italian (tax) resident, and not Italian national, sorry. There are also various lists of countries, (paradisi fiscale, Cee which is EU plus Norway and Iceland, and 'collaborativi'). Neither Switzerland nor Jersey are on the Agenzia list of collaborativi - if that makes any difference.

Answer to: scudo fiscale
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:21

 I understand your worries, though I believe Jersey has jumped through the requisite hoops to not be considered 'on the grey list'. (That isn't just an Italian thing). I don't think (unless your client is an Italian national) that the 5% 'import tax' should be applicable - it is basically designed to sanitize money which Italian tax-payers have, in the past, hidden out of Italy. I'm not expert in this stuff in any way: it might be worth your while paying the €3 for the IlSole pdf on the current scudo, but meanwhile you could trawl through this stuff!

Mon, 01/04/2010 - 21:16

 This particular issue (seeing the most recent posts first) which you are worried about I believe you can sort out by changing your personal preferences within the 'community'. The other ridiculous snags which you are by no means alone in having encountered cannot be excused as 'browser related'. With all respect to Firefox, Chrome, Safari and the rest (and Mac and Linux afficinados) - Windows Internet Explorer is the browser used by an overwhelming majority of 'ordinary' computer users, and if a site doesn't work for them, then the site doesn't work. Period. In my opinion there is no browser issue. This is an evil site. I hope and trust that this evilness is not intentional, but the cretinous excuses from poor Valentina are quite hopeless. If she has (poor soul) been charged with defending an 'adventure into the unknown', then she should simply throw in the towel. It is not possible to defend the indefensible. Vbulletin works: basta. Reinventing the wheel is pointless. Putting your own pretty face on Vbulletin is worth a shot - but this is crap. It seems to have lost even adriatica......which is a shame

Sat, 01/02/2010 - 18:34

 EE Exact Sprostoni - just look at the first letter typos all over the place! (From IE8 if it makes any difference!)

Thu, 12/24/2009 - 19:02

  24 hours on, I realise that I had put a 'theoretical' date into my search. It could be that on some days (of the week, month, I dunno) the train 780 just might have a couchette carriage. Maybe (you know it could make sense) - on a Friday or Saturday or maybe a Sunday, Trenitalia might attach a couchette carriage to that train. So, search on the date you want to travel - and if the site still says no couchettes, believe it.

Wed, 12/23/2009 - 15:35

I I I assume you are looking at train 780, and it does not have couchettes. You can find this information on the website - first you 'select' the train by ticking the 'seleziona' box and then you ask for 'dettagli per selezione'. It is quite clear that this train is seats only.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 08:32

 This may be of some help. Once the propoals have been approved or modified (today, I believe,) IlSole will no doubt print a special.