Tony114's activity

Questions Asked

I usually drive to Italy with my old style UK paper drivers licence with no photo.  Back in early 2020 this was also good to show for car hire.  Have the rules changed since Brexit?  is an old style UK paper licence still valid for car hire?  The

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:39

Just in case it might help anyone not already aware.  My comune is discounting the costs of IMU by 37.5% for second home owners resident abroad who are in receipt of a recognized pension as proof of retired status.

Fri, 01/06/2023 - 08:57

Any recommendations on an Italian bank? I have used MPS for years and they are fine and I can manage stuff online but they seem expensive, I assume to pay for an extensive branch network.


Fri, 08/05/2022 - 04:17

Comments posted

Wed, 01/27/2021 - 13:45

Funny you should say that. When I crack open the door the chimney draws better but letting the cold in negates the whole point. I note that the previous owner had an extra vent installed.  We are on the top floor so a fairly short chimney.  I shall follow your tip and if I can't get any more ideas from someone local as well then I shall go for a bottle heater or just get rid of the fireplace and go onto mains gas with the central heating. 

I doubt I'll get a vaccine until late spring at best. As soon as I can we'll load the car and go.

Thanks for the advice.

Wed, 01/27/2021 - 11:56

Alan, thank you. I shall try it. I hope we can travel soon.

Tue, 01/26/2021 - 16:38

Alas the UK is a third country. People are aghast at sandwiches being confiscated because we took things for granted. I would never take a sandwich to say Australia or USA.

Tue, 01/26/2021 - 16:33

Ignore the Italian message. It mentions reading WhatsApp messages. I can't help with your query on heating as our problem is an open wood fire where the smoke doesn't pull up the chimney. Good luck.

Wed, 01/20/2021 - 15:15

There are obviously loads of sites. A decent italian one is  The other tool is to use TripAdvisor to get an idea of restaurants and attractions for tourism. You might want a quieter or lively place. And finally trenitalia will tell you how well connected it is for rail. All good fun.

Sat, 01/02/2021 - 14:28

I wouldn't bother with locally based webinars or be put off by the Italian buying process which may be unfamiliar but is straightforward. Obviously, you should research online using italian websites and then visit your preferred area and the local estate agents, you might need someone to help with language to be clear on what you are buying. My advice is make sure it is accessible with good transport links and understand the full costs such as second home taxes and any condominium charges. Personally I feel location and easy maintenance is more important than size so you can easily get from airport and not have to have a hire car. Finally remember that selling can take a while so choose with care but it can be great getting into a community.


Sat, 01/02/2021 - 13:17

I've got all of those other than a vacuum cleaner. I also have a well pump. I shall turn everything on next time just to test the limit. I've got a battery trimmer but it's a bit fiacca, I used to borrow a petrol version from my farming uncle and that was a proper job. I shall now not rest easy until I know my kWh. thank you all especially the first posting, let's hope we get a better year.

Sat, 01/02/2021 - 06:35

I agree with modicasa that I'm not aware of any changes. Seen some chatter on a wealth tax but that has also been floated in the UK. I still look at prices and it has been a buyer's market for a good while but just more so with less attractive properties in terms of location and/or quality. Quality still costs.

Sat, 01/02/2021 - 06:22

I never thought to check the kWh rating. Mine is a holiday home too but it was previously rented out before we bought it and my neighbours hedge trimmer worked okay plus we have the usual white goods so I suspect my supply is strong enough. I feel compelled to now find out. I have an online account with Servizio Electrico but I leave it to a relative to manage. Anyhow I can't face hand trimming hedges and lawn cutting anymore so power tools it is. 

Fri, 01/01/2021 - 16:00

Alan. Thank you. Every day is a day at school. I shall get a copy when next over there, I just pay on DD and I've never thought to read the detail on the bill. Tony