Tony114's activity

Questions Asked

I usually drive to Italy with my old style UK paper drivers licence with no photo.  Back in early 2020 this was also good to show for car hire.  Have the rules changed since Brexit?  is an old style UK paper licence still valid for car hire?  The

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:39

Just in case it might help anyone not already aware.  My comune is discounting the costs of IMU by 37.5% for second home owners resident abroad who are in receipt of a recognized pension as proof of retired status.

Fri, 01/06/2023 - 08:57

Any recommendations on an Italian bank? I have used MPS for years and they are fine and I can manage stuff online but they seem expensive, I assume to pay for an extensive branch network.


Fri, 08/05/2022 - 04:17

Comments posted

Tue, 09/03/2019 - 05:26

Okay, so I have finally attended an appointment for a passport at Birmingham. Not a great experience as the volunteer staff are very busy. I asked about your question, if starting from scratch then step one is to apply for citizenship on line. Next step is to get registered on AIRE apparently again online. I haven't done to these two steps but it takes about a year all told. Finally apply for passport filling in a simple MOD1 form with a couple of photos. You can prove identify with drivers or UK passport. You must book online otherwise I they turn you away. My experience is i think London would have been better as more slots. You have to attend because of fingerprinting. Not fun.

Fri, 08/16/2019 - 16:26

I'm afraid you have to be on AIRE otherwise pointless getting a passport appointment as AIRE is used to check entitlement. Not easy but open an account on the Italian consulate website and you can see there is a facility to get registered. I have not tried it but it looks as if you have to upload scanned documents. I need to do it for my wife but I keep putting it off.

Fri, 08/16/2019 - 10:03

Before you can apply for a passport you have to be registered on AIRE which is like council roll. You can do it from UK on line and it means becoming domicled in the last comune that either you or parents resided in Italy. Once done you can book online for s passport. I'm doing it and a nightmare getting s slot. London had more slots. Vice consulate slots are released one s month and are gone in five minutes. Everyone is trying to hedge their bets. I wish i had never let mine expire!

Fri, 08/16/2019 - 09:55

I would try the FIAT owners club GB forum as individuals import rust free examples from Italy. I think there is even a fiat 500 club. I would someone had done this before.

Tue, 07/30/2019 - 14:55

That is going to be a challenge. My advice is to do some prep trip research starting by contacting the Italian post office service via site and using the Scrivici button to contact them in words. Ultimately if it is viable you will need to prove you are the hier. Good luck.

Mon, 07/29/2019 - 04:31

One option is to open an Italian bank account that you can access on line and periodically top up from UK as there are other property costs that need paying. Italian accounts are not free like most UK but someone else might have a better idea. I know Starling is a UK bank that can operate in Euro but k have not investigated it.

Mon, 07/29/2019 - 04:18

Ugo, the fee is negotiable but obviously needs to be agreed in advance. As I said my agent got 1.5 percentage each from seller and buyer and was eventually okay just to get the deal done and the property cost made it worth his while. The normal rate seems to be circa 3 but agents often seem to start with 5 percentage. Ultimately the fee is just one factor. It is easier to reduce the fee on more expensive properties. I agree that it is harder on an 80k sale.

Sun, 07/28/2019 - 13:27

No way 5%.  That is way too high.  When i bought on the Tuscany coast I was quoted the same % but negotiated that down to eventually 1.5% as the agent gets commission from both buyer and seller so he got 3%.  That is plenty in current market.