Doctor killed by patient in Parma

| Mon, 10/25/2010 - 06:55

The Italian media are reporting a tragic event which happened in Roncole Verdi [the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi in Parma Province] yesterday afternoon:
when 59-year-old Dr Claudio Carosino responded to a request for a house call from his patient, 78-year-old retired farmer Gianni Scaglioni, he arrived at Mr Scaglioni’s house to find a gun pointed at his body.

Mr Scaglioni fired his hunting rifle, mortally wounding Dr Carosino. Mr Scaglioni’s brother and grandson, who live next door, heard the shot and rushed to the scene, to find Dr Carosino already dead and Mr Scaglioni sitting on the sofa in a confused state.

Mr Scaglioni had apparently been suffering from depression and had reacted badly to an influenza prevention injection which he had received a few days before. Dr Carosino was concerned about him and had paid him several visits during the week prior to the shooting.

Dr Carosino leaves a wife and two daughters. He was well known and liked as a doctor and was active in associations working for children, both in Italy and in developing countries.

In your opinion, could anything have prevented this tragic event?
