A Half-Day Cycling Itinerary From Bologna to Sasso Marconi

| Wed, 10/16/2019 - 12:42
Cycling in Bologna Piazza MAggiore
Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, starting point for the route / Photo: Fotokon via Shutterstock

Ed., March 23, 2024: We’re revisiting this article, originally published in 2019, as Italy prepares to mark the 150th anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi’s April 1874 birth with a year of celebrations, exhibitions and initiatives.  

In this half-day cycle starting from central Bologna and ending at the small town of Sasso Marconi, you can take in hilly scenery of Bologna’s back country, see where history was made at the villa of radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi and sample som

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