Valentina+c's activity

Questions Asked

During my walks in the Italian woods I've found many nice mushrooms.. but always stopped from picking up them.. you never know..

Thu, 11/11/2010 - 07:00

Summer is ending, (L'estate sta finendo) and I wonder how many of you have spent his/her holidays in Italy.. Personally, I just went to Gioiosa Marea (Messina province) for a week-end and explored the coast of the Syracuse province, the beach of S

Thu, 09/02/2010 - 06:58

According to recent researches it seems that tomatoes have special properties

Tue, 07/06/2010 - 06:23

provided that one could manage to make the liqueur with lemons from Amalfi or Sorrento or at least with tasteful and big lemons, here is

Fri, 04/16/2010 - 11:51

The problem which affected Internet Explorer users has been fixed. You can insert the message in the Post Body box now.  Thanks for reporting it and please contact us in the future if you find other community usage problems.

Mon, 04/12/2010 - 06:55

Three great exhibitions in the Veneto region:

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 12:32

For the first time in Italy, a school in Rome installed condom vending machines. Read more here.

Do you agree with this decision?

Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:11

This year's winter fashion week in Milan has seen beautiful collections such as geometric knits for Missoni, "sensualità" for D&G and furs for others (never bought a fur and I think I'll never do)...

Mon, 03/01/2010 - 11:08

Though this post may look in contrast with the group title.. it isn't... .. an Italian would say "Chiamalo idiota!" (..not that idiot!) after thinking about how many laws he introduced to defend himself...

Fri, 02/19/2010 - 11:18

Comments posted

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 05:11

 As an Italian native speaker living in Italy I hope I can help you.Filling the formIn the field "alla" I think you should enter your address.AbbreviationsC.F. stands for Codice Fiscale which is your tax code. P.I. stands for Partita Iva which is your number of VAT, if you have one. You should have a Partita Iva if you are and Indipendent Worker or a Libero Professionista.As for the content, I will let you know as soon as possible - I'll contact a friend of mine, who's a commercialista and has better knowledge of this kind of issues!  

Thu, 07/23/2009 - 04:39

 Hi all,the basic difference between a "visitor" and a "member" is that the latter can create groups.One becomes a Community Member if it has updated his/her profile with more information about his/her life. Hope I've replied to your question. 

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 05:59

Salve!Really nice to hear that so many people wish to learn Italian Language! Of course you should find a good teacher but also be ready to make your own questions and doubts during the course. For that reason it would be better to look for private lessons or to start a course in a small school, so that you can take advantage of personal tutorials.I'll PM you with some good language schools.Valentina

Tue, 07/21/2009 - 06:58

 Hi,a friend of mine is a good commercialista, he's an Italian native speaker and has a basic knowledge of English. If you send me your e-mail address and all related questions via Private Message, I will try and help you to find any answers.

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 04:26

 Hi Angela and Welcome to the Piazza,there are a lot of things you may wish to know about Italy.Since you are going to relocate here permanently (?) you need to learn more about:SocietyLivingItalian LanguagePropertySo, enjoy visiting the community and post any questions!In the Introductions you'll find a lot of Australian members to get in touch with. How often have you been in Italy?   

Answer to: Ciao to everyone
Fri, 07/17/2009 - 05:26

Hi Conrad,he's uploaded his photos in a photo gallery titled: Suggestioni di Marca!Enjoy!

Answer to: returning
Fri, 07/17/2009 - 05:23

 Hi,I'm really happy you've re-joined us!Hope you'll enjoy the new community - if there's something you cannot figure out, let us know via PM or via posts in the  Community Guide and Usage Support GroupLooking forward to hear more from you!Browse all Topics and Groups the through these links.  

Answer to: Raffle Winners!
Fri, 07/17/2009 - 05:19

 Well done!That's great to hear that all was ok and about the success of the fundraising efforts.Nice puppy  - it seems it has enjoyed the BBQ as well!

Answer to: Status?
Fri, 07/17/2009 - 04:48

Hi Snowdrop,Carole has perfectly answered to your question.You can read other people statuses at the bottom of the Community Home - La Piazza page.It's a way to share your thoughts with other members / friends in the Italy Community, especially when you don't want to create a new post to only to say i.e. "It's really hot in Italy today" and you don't need any comments.Looking forward to seeing what your status is like..  

Fri, 07/17/2009 - 04:42

 Ciao Maria,your middle name seems to have given you the chance to show us your Italian. It's not bad and the great thing is that your are willing to learn more! I'll be happy to show you - in a private message - the little mistakes, so that you can easily avoid to repeat them in the future.So, now let's switch to the Italian Language! "Ciao Maria,sono felice che tu sia parte della Community e abbia deciso di parlare in italiano.Spero di poterti aiutare ad imparare qualcosa di più sull'Italia, l'italiano e gli italiani, visto che tra poco ne incontrerai molti in occasione del tuo viaggio a Cattolica!Io sono italiana, ho viaggiato spesso all'estero ed apprezzo ciò che ho imparato, ma l'Italia mi è sempre mancata. Mi sentivo spesso come "un pesce fuor d'acqua", proprio come te!Sei stata altre volte in Italia?A prestissimo!"