karenr's activity

Questions Asked

I vaguely remember reading somewhere about a gizmo that could be plugged in to boost wifi signal within our thick walled Italian homes - I can't remember where and failed to locate under search option as not sure what "title" to search under. Can

Tue, 07/30/2013 - 03:23

4 years into being self-employed and my husband's Accountant announced he should be paying INAIL. Claimed it wouldn't be very much. Just received a demand for €4,903.00 of which €1,700.00 is interest and charges going back to 2008.

Wed, 07/18/2012 - 08:13

It has come to my attention that I may have inadvertently misled in an earlier post. In response to a member asking for recommendations I posted not to bother contacting Michael as I had misunderstood a mail from his office.

Thu, 02/02/2012 - 10:54

Looking for advice/guidance on the above subject. I am planning on purchasing satellite broadband and had hoped that it was possible to use satellite dish also for TV.

Thu, 11/24/2011 - 09:21

Having washed guests' white bedlinen and towels I have found yellow stains (again). Unfortunatley not visible until washed then left with a creamy yellow stain. I think it is caused by the high factor creams.

Wed, 08/10/2011 - 03:21

I have to return a parcel to M & S (their sizing and descriptions are not so accurate recently) and having had to do this once before found it very expensive via the Post Office.  Even splitting parcel into smaller Jiffy bags (our post office

Sat, 05/14/2011 - 08:39

has anyone, full time in Italy, purchased a kindle?  I understand that location affects what you can download and I have been trying to establish if living in Italy would prevent my downloading amazon.co.uk books.  I do not want to be limited to I

Mon, 05/09/2011 - 17:04

hi i have a motorbike here in italy and was wondering if there is a man with a van that travels from italy to the uk !!!! need to get it back 54 a MOT and i dont fancy the drive !! please help!!!

Mon, 11/08/2010 - 10:07

Does anyone know where I can buy Malt Vinegar?  Wanting to pickle some of the excess crop and recipes are generally needing Malt Vinegar.  Alternatively if no one else found Malt Vinegar around here what are you using instead and how successful is

Sun, 09/26/2010 - 11:24

We have a very large, old, protected oak tree in our garden.  This year for the first time (or at least first time noticed) it is dropping what appears to be tiny black seeds - the size of a lettuce seed.  If you are close to the tree it sounds li

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 04:55

Comments posted

Sun, 06/20/2010 - 10:16

I heard if there are no children then siblings have a claim.  I have son from previous marriage but my husband has no children, just two greedy sisters! 

Tue, 06/15/2010 - 11:21

I too am British and work self-employed for only a British Company.  In fact I am paid in sterling into an English Bank, however I was told quite categorically that as I live and work in Italy I have to pay tax and register for INPS here (told by both UK and Italy).  I was originally told that I might be able to pay NI to UK for the first year but discovered as work involves technology (i.e. internet) that was not the case.  I have now been registered and paying Italian INPS and tax since 2008 - you will need a Commercialista I suspect to sort it out (My profession is finance and I still found I needed help here as rules are so different and constantly change).  Good luck.

Sat, 06/12/2010 - 05:05

We have been here 4 years and the best advice I can give you is to learn the language (if you don't already speak Italian) and even before you can hold a conversation, smile and greet all the locals.  We were initially met with a little suspicion (we did arrive just as Germany v Italy world cup was happening and my husband being tall and blonde was mistaken as German), but from day one we made the effort and it was rewarded tremendously.  We now have some fantastic friends and life is so much more rewarding than if we just huddled in some little ex-pat group (difficult here as not many of us:)).  We are now well known and that has led to work referrals and from that more friends ............ There are always frustrations - our most recent being that Vodafone decided to just stop collecting payment for my mobile internet.  Within days I then received a message saying they were going to suspend the servcie (only then did I check and find payment not taken or requested).   Half a day wasted and 50km round trip to vodafone store to be told.."oh they do that sometimes for no reason".  We then had to arrange manual payment - no explanation, reassurance that it wouldn't happen again or apology for our wasted time and expense.  My point being that you also have to learn to roll with these frustrations and not compare to UK. We wish you well in your new life.

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 06:04

If you are not registered with P.Iva number etc both you and the client you are working for are liable.  Italian law does not allow for "didn't know" excuse.  good luck

Mon, 05/10/2010 - 03:46

given this stuff was dropping like rain that would need to be an awful lot of caterpillars!  Haven't seen any but then the tree is very large and as growing on a slope the base alone is 10 feet above eye level (apart from when we venture up the slope, obviously).  The tree has a  large dead limb so maybe something to do with that?  Dead wood attracting something?  We have now got permission to remove the dead limb but given its position on a slope but overhanging garden and close to house, finding someone qualified and with the right equipment to deal with it is proving difficult.  At least it sounds as though the plants dying are not as a result of whatever is dropping from tree.  Maybe young Harry is cocking his leg a little higher than we thought :-)

Sun, 05/09/2010 - 09:39

the only thing (living thing) we have an abundance of this year is snails.  Tiny ones, medium size ones, large ones, white stripey and brown.  They are everywhere, climbing in trees, shrubs, garden gate posts even the glass doors, house fascia and terraces.  Even in England I have never seen so many snails!!  Not sure what snail poo look likes:-) but don't think they have infiltrated the old oak. Thanks for the response though fellini

Tue, 05/04/2010 - 07:45

Yes, we had spotted that and they are re-introducing the Saturday flight (from memory) July.

Answer to: Scootering
Sat, 04/24/2010 - 08:27

Hi Simon & Jo Can't do a direct comparison but we have a 50cc Yamaha off-road bike (which Chris uses but as only 20 all in John's name).  Insurance last year was €200.01, road tax was €21.63 and MOT, from memory as can't find paperwork, around €60.  Chris currently in UK (riding his 500cc Kawaksaki!) so will ask him when I next speak to him re MOT and let you know if I am way off. Incidentally we have a chap in Ripatransone that restores Vespa's and he does an amazing job if you are interested.  His workshop is next to the Panoramica Bar, opposite the API garage. Have fun and big hug to Bertie.

Answer to: Allergy for dogs
Mon, 04/19/2010 - 04:33

thanks Dylano Harry much better, a little subdued yesterday but antihistamines can have that affect.  Swelling all gone.  I'm fine too, this year just got the dry throat and start of tickly cough but didn't progress as had in the previous 3 years.  Maybe I'm developing some resistance or maybe the change of weather has had some affect.  Piriton at the ready though, just in case. Poor Dylano - do you think it was a snake?  The two puncture wounds make it sound feasible and maybe just enough venom for the blisters but not enough to make him really poorly.  How is Tom Cat's nose?  Harry will have permanent scars after his encounter with the ferret - there are several long gouge marks on the end of his nose which are now white and stand out against his little black nose.  Hopefully that's it for this year!

Answer to: Allergy for dogs
Sun, 04/18/2010 - 11:22

We lived in countryside in UK and actually had rape planted in the field right next to our cottage every third year with no problem.   The weed that I assumed was the problem is just that, a weed, not grown in fields, just randomly on side of road and around where we live.  I blamed this purely because of timing and the fact that I had never suffered with anything in UK.  I have a large quanitity of Piriton that my son brought over on his last trip in anticipation of my couple of weeks of discomfort.  Thanks for the tips re arthritis in labrador but we are fully up on all remedies and he has been on various natural remedies for some years, and yes they do help, along with his Bioflow collar.  This new drug though is helping even more.  One tablet a month is all that is needed.  Early days so hopefully the benefits will be continuous.  p.s. in my (ex) part of UK cime di rape was called sprouting broccoli for, in my opinion, very obvious reasons