simonandjo's activity

Questions Asked

Yes, it's that time again. One month older and still up to my old tricks. Keeping my people on their toes. It's relly visiting season - something new to me as I am only 9 months old - and I am going to have some fun with them.

Sat, 06/27/2009 - 06:37

Here are two pictures of me on my 8 month birthday.

Wed, 05/27/2009 - 07:14

Not sure whether this is the best place for this question, but does anyone have any experience of using a repair service for electric appliances?

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 14:49

Comments posted

Answer to: Italian Rugby
Sat, 03/12/2011 - 16:51

Great result. Shame about Ireland though.

Wed, 03/09/2011 - 08:03

We like Nuovo Cinema Paradiso a lot

Sat, 01/29/2011 - 10:35

Well done Penny!

Sun, 01/23/2011 - 07:13

We too have a sheep dog - one of those big white Italian jobs - and we go to Lago San Ruffino quite a bit. Like Penny we rarely meet any other dogs, or people come to that. It's lovely around there and of course there is the river for the dog to swim in and retrieve sticks. Who or what has attacked your dog?

Wed, 01/05/2011 - 07:27

The drums also make good "braziers" to use on the chillier Summer/Autumn nights when you are still desperate to sit outside!!

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 08:47

and to you Gala and all forum readers and contributors

Fri, 12/24/2010 - 05:14

Happy Christmas and New Year to all.

Sat, 11/20/2010 - 06:05

If, at  the time of your re-registration in Italy of your UK(?) registered vehicle, the authorities check to see if your MOT is still valid - from your MOT certificate. If it is, you will not need to have a revisione (MOT) done by the Italian authorities until the current MOT expires. If, however, the MOT is out of date at the time of re-registration, you will have to have a  revisione done before they will give you the Italian registration - it is normally done at the same time. This is my understanding

Tue, 10/19/2010 - 07:40

We have used MoneyCorp Online. It's terribly easy and allows you to book rates for forward transfers. You can check rates pretty much anytime. They charge a flat fee of £10.00 per movement.

Mon, 09/27/2010 - 11:29

The 'pups' are two years old today! And still giving lots of joy... here is one of Jess and Bertie who are spending it together today... Happy Birthday to all the other brothers and sisters!