Italy Magazine's Top Stories of 2020

| Fri, 01/01/2021 - 00:00
Italian women making pasta in Bari

Dear ITALY lovers,

Buon Anno! 

Before we delve into new and exciting stories for 2021, here’s our usual round-up that we share at the beginning of every year with our and readers' favorite ITALY Magazine stories from the year before. 



2020 was the year we learnt something we never wanted to learn: what it means to be on lockdown. Besides the devastating psychological and social effects of such a measure, the economic impact was tremendous as well. We decided to share stories of some of the people affected by closures and halt on travel - below are two of them, a tour guide in Venice and a leather designer in Florence.

St. Mark's Square in Italy


Our historian and Made in Italy expert Laura Morelli kept entertaining us with interesting articles; we especially loved the one about Etruscan women, who, we learned, were distinct among women of the ancient Mediterranean.


We're lucky to have two wonderful recipe writers and Italian food experts among our writers: Domenica Marchetti and Francine Segan. Throughout the year, they delighted us with their creative, delicious recipes. Hard to pick just one, but these two were staff favorites:

Also, pizza lovers who need to eat gluten-free should check out this cookbook with many delicious recipes for making gluten-free pizza at home


Among the many Italian language articles we shared with you, how can you not like one about cursing!  But no worries: we've only included swear words you can use in front of nonna!


And since we're spending so much time at home, check out this selection of top Italian 2020 films you can get streaming right now, picked by Jamie Mackay.

Or if you're more of a book lover, try these reading suggestions


John Bensalhia keeps us updated every month on the most important events going on in Italy, but he also gives us primers on various aspects of Italian life; here are six delicious condiments and sauces enjoyed in Italy.

Olive oil bottle and olives on a table in Italian countryside


And for a visual recap of what 2020 looked like in Italy during the sad months of lockdown, click here

There were also some notes of cheerfulness when Italians gathered on balconies to sing and play musical instruments

What ITALY Magazine stories from 2020 did you love the most? Share with us in comments and on social media!