The Neapolitan Seafood Stew That Would Have Been Extravagant Enough for Nero

Francine Segan | Fri, 05/31/2024 - 05:35
Neapolitan port stew
Mussels are a key ingredient in this decadent seafood stew / Photo: RFondren Photography via Shutterstock
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
30 minutes

This recipe originated in an ancient Roman cookbook and was first named after the era’s fashionable seaside resort town, Baiae, near the bay of Naples. The resort area was prized for its volcanic hot springs, so many wealthy ancient Romans owned homes there, including Nero, the first century emperor whose extravagances were legendary. He once spent the equivalent of $100,000 on Egyptian roses for one banquet feast. According to Suetonius, the first century biographer, Nero built

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