Cornmeal Cake

Cindy Swain | Thu, 05/19/2016 - 11:07
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
1 hour

The use of farina di mais (cornmeal) is quite popular in northern Italy. Also called farina di granoturco, it is the star ingredient of polenta and can also be found in various breads, crepes, pastas and desserts.

In Italian supermarkets you will find various types of cornmeal based on how fine the flour has been ground. The finest is labeled fumetto di mais, then there is fioretto followed by bramata and finally taragna which is the most coarse.  This recipe calls for bramata and although any of the above are suitable, you will need to adjust the baking times if bramata is not used. Typically the finer cornmeal flours will cook faster, while those that are coarser will take longer to bake.

Serves 12 

1 cup +1 1/2 tablespoons (250g) softened
caster sugar
1 1/2 cups (300g)
Zest of 1 (organic)
egg yolks
1 cup (150g)
potato starch
1 cup (150g)
baking powder
2 teaspoons (8g)
egg whites
Sassolino liquor
1/2 shot (or another similar liquor)
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Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).  Grease a round 9 1/2 inch (24 cm) spring form pan.

With the help of an electric mixer, whip together the butter and sugar. Now add the lemon zest and egg yolks and mix well.

In a small bowl, stir together the corn flour, potato starch and baking powder. Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture and stir to combine.  Stir in the liquor.

In a medium bowl, whip the egg whites until soft peaks form then fold them into the mixture with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Stir until just combined.

Pour the cake mixture into the buttered pan and bake for 35-45 minutes or until the surface is golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean when inserting it into the center. 

*Cooking times may vary depending on whether bramata cornmeal flour is used. For finer cornmeal flours, the baking time may be shorter; for coarser cornmeal flours the baking time may be longer.