Insalata Russa: Creamy and Crunchy Any-Season Salad

Francine Segan | Thu, 02/22/2024 - 15:30
insalata russa
Insalata russa (without radicchio garnish) / Photo: OlegD via Shutterstock
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
30 minutes

Insalata russa is an Italian staple, despite the name; it’s very popular in Italy, but lesser known in the United States and even, yes, in Russia. Particularly in northern Italy, insalata russa is one of those homemade dishes that friends often prepare for potluck parties. Almost every Italian I know has their own secret recipe.  

The salad is basically a chop and mix affair.  It’s made mainly from classic jarred Italian products like capers, cocktail onions and giardinier

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