How to make Limoncello

| Thu, 05/09/2013 - 04:51
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
1 hour
In Italian supermarkets you can buy bottles of 95% proof alcohol, which the locals use to produce all sorts of infused liqueurs. Almost any kind of fruit is suitable (and even herbs such as rosemary or basil), but limoncello, known outside of Italy also as lemoncello, the liqueur made from lemons, is the most common. Every family has its own recipe. This one was given to me by Michelina, a friend from Sorrento, and was devised by her grandmother.
95% proof alcohol
1 ltr
1 ltr
1 kg
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Peel the lemons and add the peel to a litre of alcohol. (The inside of the fruit can be used for other purposes). Leave in a dark place for a week so that the flavours from the peel infuse into the liquid. After a week, you are ready to make the limoncello. Create a syrup boiling the water and dissolving the sugar in it. Allow this mixture to cool then add to the alcohol (now yellow and perfumed with lemon) having first removed the lemon peel. Decant into bottles in a dark place for ten days and serve chilled straight from the freezer. If you cannot find 95% proof alcohol, try using straight vodka instead.