Vignone (Piedmont)

Piedmont Highlights

Food & Drink
Italy in Brief
Style & Design

What you can't miss in Piedmont

Where is Vignone

Top Experiences in Piedmont

Properties for sale in Piedmont

Country Home - Restored in Bosia
Country Home - Restored in Cerrina Monferrato
Country Home - Restored in Magliano Alpi
Villa in Murazzano
Country Home - To Restore in Altavilla Monferrato
Country Home - To Restore in Ciglie
Country Home - Restored in Briaglia
Villa in Murazzano

Recipes From Piedmont


Agnolotti, little bundles of fresh pasta that are filled with anything from a mix of meats to vegetables, are an iconic dish of the Piedmont region of northern Italy.


This baked cake has a surprisingly delicate almond flavor. Enjoy a slice with coffee or tea, or a glass of amaretto liqueur.


Corzetti (also called curzetti and croxetti), an especially uniquely shaped pasta, has been popular since the middle ages and get its name from corzetto, a 14th century Genoa coin.


Pesche ripiene piemontesi is a typical Piedmontese dessert made with peaches and crushed amaretti that you often find on the menus during the summer season. 

What others are saying about Piedmont

@francoisgs asks:

Hi anyone based in Piemonte around Nizza Monferrato / Acqui Terme had experience with septic tank cleaning and can recommend a reasonable supplier ? thank you very much, 

@alan h asks:

Open Log Fires in Piemonte [and other areas]



We are looking at a trip to the Piemonte region the 1st two weeks of October, 2024 and are searching for a villa that can accomadate up to 15 people. 

If you have any recommendations of places I can contact to inquire about availability that would be wonderful .